Hello this is my first BLOG so bare with me as I may just ramble here

When I first started playing League of Legends I was told to start with an easy champion, One of the recommended one who were perfect for beginners so I decided on SORAKA because I liked the idea of supporting the team to victory, A very important role indeed.

Now what usually happens is after a while you get bored of the starting champion and you move up to a stronger and more difficult champion to play with but I seemingly stuck with Soraka because playing her I began to notice something special about her and that was the fact she is actually alot stronger and more OP than many people give her credit for.

First off I understand she was not a strong character on her stats but hear me out, I tend to notice that the harder the character is to play, the easier it is to make them OP...well Soraka is the opposite, she is by far the easiest character to get a grips off but you have to put in some effort to make her OP but she is worth the effort to me.

I find the right mentally of playing also helps, I used to get frustrated watching other players hide in the bushes just awaiting that "Perfect moment" to attack them, of course what they really do is allow the enemy to kill Minions and level up quickly so I ended up having to go in and attack with Soraka in what would normally be a losing battle, However as time went on I found myself taking in information from our the community and looking at the items you can buy and found myself realizing that by simply buying the correct items at the right time and playing a totally different style of play not usually seen in a support character I was actually standing up well against other champions and even getting some important kills for my side.

Now I am a little dense so I can't remember what the actual items are but they are usually within the reccommended items and i usually try to go Def/Att/Def/Def/Att/Def when I am buying these items and trying to get my Ability power in order to be a threat in battles at front as well as at the back.

I am sure you are wondering why I would want to trying to get Kills with Soraka when champions like Draven or Nidalee would be better for me if thats what I want to do and to be fair thats true and I do love playing as those characters too but theres something something special about Killing a champion with Soraka its does something else to the opponent, sort of like Psychological damage because being Killed by Draven isn't a terrible thing, he is designed to cause damage and if the player is better then Draven will kill you - But Soraka isnt designed to kill, in fact if anything she was designed to be so weak even Minions can handle her so if you are suddenly looking at your own champion be destroyed by the support then that is just a blow to their confidence and it will slowly bring them down in the game :).