Hello, greetings and welcome to another one of my Awesome blogs

As some of you may know I am a support player, I love the support role because I feel its one of the most important and yet underrated positions in the game and is usually avoided due the reputation of other team mates being abusive and rude towards them.

I assure you this is not always the case and 9/10 if any person is negative towards the support you have a bunch of people on your team prepared to set the record straight and give their support to their support.

So I thought I would do a blog giving my personal review on all the champions I have seen doing a support role, what I think about them, what I feel they bring to the table and most importantly if I believe personally they should be support champions or not.

One of the most dangerous support in the game on both end of the spectrum - If you know how to play as Anivia and in particular know when and where to use the wall then Anivia is perhaps one of the most underrated supports in the game today.

However if you are just going to throw the wall around then you are more likely to put your team mates in danger and could easily cost your team the game even if you are trying your best to help them.

Annie became one of the most popular supports to use shortly after I started playing League of Legends, the fact she could stun enemies after 4 abilities made her seem like a fantastic choice - But I never brought into this.

To Be Honest I have always said that Annie is a mid lane champion and nothing more, I believe with her damage output being really high the mere idea of wasting all that potential just to stun opponents for an ADC (sorry Marksman) was a big waste in my books

Blitzcrank is one I don't seem much in the support role because everyone would rather play as Thresh however those who play in ARAM I guarantee if you were asked who you would rather not face on the opponents team I am positive most would say Blitz over Thresh.

Blitzcrank is a really dangerous support especially if you can build him tanky with some damage because he can destroy most enemies with his 1-2-3 combo and his shield makes him really good at taking turret damage as well.

I would say those who like Thresh may wish to take a moment to try him out too and see what they think.

Brand is in the same category as Annie so I won't say too much on him

Brand recently started to be used as a support because he too has a stun ability in his arsenal however, just like annie, I believe he would be truly wasted in the support role considering the amount of damage he can especially in team fight so if you are thinking of trying him as a support - DON'T...stick to playing him as a mid laner

This may be something that alot of other fellow supports will be surprised to hear but I am actually not a fan of Braum as a support and in fact I prefer him in his secondary role in the top lane.

Now I am not saying that he is a bad support and those I have seen play him have been game changers but in all honesty even watching the Pro play as Braum there is just something that is always off about them, like they are playing him not 100% convinced they think he is a support too.

By all means play him as a support if you like him but I would say again you may wanna to try him out in the top lane if you have that unease feeling too...Just saying

One of the most annoying champions I seen playing as a support is Fiddlesticks and what makes him that annoying is the fact that he is actually effective if he and his ADC are in sync together.

I can not begin to tell you how angry I have been by the mere sight of a fiddlesticks in the bot lane because he can fear you, drain you and damage you so hard that they could easily score more kills than anyone else in their team.

but of course I would not say he is a support champion but merely an annoying little troll pick that seems to always find its way into the support role on teams

Thats the end of part 1 - look forward to part 2 soon