Basically here is what I have noticed. Some people will get an up vote on their guide but in the comment there will be some constructive criticism such as "you only have 5 items. You might want to add another one." And somehow that makes them mad. Then they will reply in a rude way. Here is the lesson people and learn it well:

If they UPVOTE you they can DOWNVOTE you. Do not piss off someone who gives you a +1. Ever. No matter what they say. Be nothing but polite to them. First of all it's common sense. Second of all most of the time they are trying to help you so by replying like an ******* you really lose a lot of credit in my book. If you can't even take some criticism then why should I listen to you?

Also you may have noticed that most of the time the first comment on your guide will either be a scout or a veteran. These are people who are respected by the community and deserve your respect. If you do not respect them then I and every other user that has received helpful advice from them lose respect for you and will not rep you or give your guide a +1 no matter how good it is.

In short: Use common sense, be polite, don't look like an *******.