So I just did my first inhouse with Mobafire and I loved every second of it I already feel like my game has improved, the first game I didn't do so well. my ingame name is Rusted Gold, but the others I feel like I did ok or could have done better, there is always room for improvement after going back and watching wRAthoFVuLK do a shout cast I learned a lot, also the game where I was playing as Taric I had the wrong Masteries, and I was a first time Sivir in my second game selected lol, I cant wait for the next inhouse. This is first time I used vent since wrath of the lich king raid groups. I just wanted to give a huge thank you to all of the players who helped me in my games.

wRAthoFVuLK < for shout casting
Fruyti < for carrying my game
Mooninites < thanks for walking me though Taric item build and just being awesome!!!
EXDKain212 < for camping me lol
Lifebaka < for being helpful
SirthOsiris < for the support "first time Sivir" I only own two adc
Irckj < being helpful
Ninotackii < for being fun to play with
Y U SO BAD < for being so bad "jk" you were awesome!!
TheAwesomeOne11 < for being a good sport
ShalemG < just being awesome
Phil15 < being fun to play with
Solo Riven < just for being awesome