tldr: imo a very solid and original kit, but with a couple shortcomings that keep him from being a top tier champ in my eyes.

I've been in love with viktor from the very start. I bought him 5 minutes after he was released and played him for days. I'm no master, but I've got some pretty damn strong impressions so far.

a) decently strong spells overall
b) really high poke range
c) can move while casting most powerful non-ult ability
d) slow/stun designed to perfectly block off any jungle path in its entirety
e) powerful aoe silence
f) augment adds something really essential to his kit.

a) all spells besides his lazer have a SHORT range
b) his shield does not activate until AFTER the spell returns to him
c) Fairly difficult to get used to the laser for multiple reasons
d) stupidly slow move speed
e) remaining two augments that DONT get used are really pretty necessary to make his kit perfectly acceptable (not perfect)

Dat LAZER man. The damage is incredible even early and after you get a really strong feel for how to use it, it almost feels like im playing around with a mini xerath in lane. The only issue is that its not SUPER hard to dodge, it has a high cooldown and its mana cost is pretty high early on (though i generally manage it just fine).

What about his shielding spell? The range on it is so small, that if you go for an exchange, your opponent will have already struck their spells and hit you for what you're worth before you spell returns and you gain a shield. What about using it on an enemy minion for a shield and THEN going to attack? Well sure but it seems like a big waste of mana and damage just to be aggressive.

AAAAND the gravity field. THE RANGE IS AWFUL. WOW. Truly, without going for blue augment on him, the range on it is just awful. used for zoning, running away and some teamfight situations most effectively. Its awful for ganks or avoiding sudden ganks because of gap closers, dashes, blinks, whatever. The slow it applies just doesnt mean anything when someone gets out after just one tick. And what about when they get to you anyway? You dont have crazy lazer damage, or a speed boost to run. This spell has great design, but the slow numbers and terrible range leave a LOT to be desired in my eyes.

BLACK HOLE OF DOOOOOM. Super fun and cool spell, totally obnoxious to get hit by. PROBLEM IS, the silence isnt some super long "holy ****" silence. In a teamfight, you have to get WAY too close to actually nail the majority with it, and in a lot of situations death right after casting is not out of the question.

Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE viktor, and I have yet to have any terribad games with him. Always even or total monstrous carry with this guy, and not all of his shortcomings are essential, but with his low range and low mobility, he just feels incomplete. He FEELS as though he is to AP as Karma is to Support.

What do you think of him MOBAFIRE????