I'm fairly new to League of Legends, and when I saw the article on IGN about riot releasing a new 5v5 map called magma chamber, I was instantly super pumped. They had some pictures of it and and I thought it looked really cool so I decided to look up some more info on it, see what other players were saying. Turns out this isnt the first time this map has been announced...

I read that this map was first announced way back in 2010, but was then scrapped and riot instead started working on what we now call dominion. If this is true, then my excitment has been shattered. Yes, maybe they just announced that they are going to come out with it, but looking at its history, my confidence that I will actually get to see this map is fairly low.

What do you think? Will the map come out, or will it be scrapped again for yet another project? Perhaps its near completion and we can expect it in the coming patches? Let me know in the comments below! Im curious to see how everyone else views this.