Okay, so since i started doing this blog thing, i only won my games. so currently, im in my Series to Bronze 4.

The winning game that made me get to the promotion was a Maokai game, as top.. i usually never play maokai as top, but oh well, had to give it a shot.

I was against a nasus, it was actually a pretty hard lane in the beginning, but thanks to my jungle (Xin Xhao) i managed to get a first blood on Nasus. i did do ALOT of mistakes tho, i didnt check hes summoner spells, and it turned out he had Teleport. and he killed me.

i started out with Crystaline Flask, 1 ward and 1 mana potion, since Maokai is a very mana hungry champion, also i know Nasus has alot of sustain, so i tried to outsustain him with my build and my passive.

At my first B i bought Wardens Mail, and Sapphire Crystal, to get a bit more sustain against nasus. <-- totally forgot to buy boots, which was kinda bad because he could just chase me down, this only happend one time tho, after that i bought my boots.

I rushed a Frozen Heart to get some armor, and counterbuild nasus.

at the late lane phase, it was not hard for me to smash nasus, i outfarmed him and outsustained him. he didnt even try to counterbuild me, one of hes first items was Ninja Tabi.. Now, Ninja tabi's gives armor, and 10% basic attack reduce, This.. is not good against Maokai, since hes a Tank/off-tank AP caster, and have massive CC.

My build when we won: Boots of Speed, Crystaline Flasks, Frozen Heart, Iceborn Guantlet, and Warmogs.

And my endgame score: 10/4/13 <-- now this is a very unusual score for me as maokai, i usually get waay less kils as maokai.