Hello everyone out there! i actually just got this idea, to blog my climbing from Bronze V. and i'm pretty sure that theres already some blogs out there, about this. but oh well, i just thought it could be a good idea. specially for myself, to see how things are going.

Now some personal information about me, Well my name is Søren, im danish and im 18 years old. i've started playing league of legends in the pre-season 3. and it was a VERY hard game for me, like REALLY really hard. i know im not the best player out there, ( since im stuck in Bronze..) but i DO KNOW that I have improved MY gameplay, since i started playing league.

i used to be one of those players, just playing any lane, or role. and i used to rage at players if they do mistakes in the game. but i kinda quitted that now, it happens once in a while, eventually having a bad day, and i just go RAAGGEEEEE ingame. but i usually try to stop myself, before reaching this point. i heard plenty of players telling me that, the mentallity of a player has a HUGE influence on how your game goes. and this makes pretty much sense to me, if im using my time on writing 'noob dont feed' instead of CS, i tend to get behind in farm, and lose the game.

Now, im focusing playing in the Jungle as Maokai. i dont see alot of maokai's around in game, actually, only met 2 other people playing him so far in the Bronze V league. but i finally found a champion, which i simply love playing. i love how he moves around, hes INCREDIBLE fast clearing speed. hes tankiness, gapclosing, cc, and yea.. he is just THE thing for me. so if you dont know who to play? give maokai a try best advice from here.

at some point, i will make some 'guides' not exactly on how to play maokai, because there's people out there knowing alot more of this game than me, but i do believe that im a decent maokai, atleast for the Bronze V league. i have 2 different builds on him which i'd love to share with people. i find them really good.

Starting Point: Broze V 55 LP.

My best game, so far.. just to tell you guys abit more.


Top: Teemo, vs Yorik
Mid: Kha, Vs Kassadin
Adc: Sivir, Vs Ezreal
sup: Lux vs Nidalee
Jng: Maokai vs Trundle.

i was playing maokai that game. i started off by soloing wolves, while my team was defending my blue buff to prevent it getting invaded, got a smiteless blue and invaded their red solo (i actually do this 80% of my games, unless its some heavy early damage, or red starting jungler like Lee Sin, Rengar etc.) then i go for a level 3 gank in top or bot (depends on blue/purple team)

So i ran over, stole their red buff, and ganked yorik, and Teemo/Me got the first blood, very succesfull gank, Yorik had no clue i was comming and was playin soo aggressive against Teemo.

anyways, around mid/late game, my team and i started to throw the game. and it turned out that we was about to lose, they had 1 top turret down, all mid turrets was pushed down and our inhib in mid lane, was half HP.

then i told teemo, to backdoor top and then me, and rest of my team would take the enemy team's attention, but teemo didnt react on my calls, so i went to backdoor top myself, after pushing enemy minions myself, teemo suddenly came top and helped me pushing it while Kha, sivir and Lux did an AMAZING job on making the enemy tunnelvision them (They was doing a really risky, and low HP baiting on them) so it turned out, that me and teemo got all three top turrets pushed down, their inhib and 2 nexus turrets, without enemies seeing it, then they suddenly noticed me and teemo attacking their turret (Both was full AP so we had no damamge on it,) and they just came nexus, and nuked me and teemo.

Thanks to lux, we had massive map control, specially at their red jungle, and around baron. so we saw them trying to do baron. after i got revived from death, i rushed to baron, i used my stun/gapclose W on nidalee who was scouting infront of our blue buff to prevent a baron steal, and flashed into baron, smited it and stole their baron buff, then we aced them and and just went in and ended game.

When the game was ended, Sivir, Lux and Kha thanked me for my good calls, and making them start thinking, i ended up getting 4 Teamwork honors, and 5 honorable.

Please dont name 'only because its bronze V' i know, its only bronze V i know im not even near being a silver player, i know im not even close to play as good as Gold/Dia/Plat. but i do know, i loved my calls, i felt good in that game, and i did some good stuff.