So, after the original buff they gave here a few months back I tried her again and found she was a lot more viable as a champ in general and played her infrequently. I knew she had high damage potential and was never disappointed when I played her even if it ended in a loss. When I heard they nerfed her again due to AP Eve being severely OP (wouldn't know, never tried) I picked her up again to see if it affected the build I made for her and found it didn't hurt her in the slightest.

She is a very deadly very ganky and very smexy champ. I usually play her as a Top/Roamer so I sometimes push hard and take my tower ASAP so I can free myself up to roam around to mid or even sometimes bot to help out if they're having issues or we wana do a dive 4 man on them to secure domination there.

What always surprised me was her team fight presences, her ult is OP IMO, especially if you hit 3 or more champs with it... I could just sit in a team fight after that and do major sustained damage or focus one of the carries and literally 1v1 them. Some people are very surprised to see how well she sticks to them and that they can't seem to take her out despite how squishy she looks.

AD Eve is definitly > AP Eve. I thought so before her nerf and now I'm sure it's doubly true. She still very much an insanely deadly and smexy bich.