So I've been trying various champions lately that I normally don't play, my standard meta is usually APC or Supports. I dabble in Jungle and Top Lane but it's by no means my best skill level.

Mundo isn't new to me but lately my skill level on champs I was never good with has gotten to the point where I've been trying them again. Today was one of those days where I researched, crafted my own build, and went on a literal rampage. I figured out that early game with his Q (cleaver throw) he can harass quite well and still be a little passive in the Laning Phase.

First game was a Nasus and I straight dominated him. With his regen and outright bruiser style of play I had to be a little more aggressive than I'm used to but it paid off in a big way.

Second game I played was a Jayce, now this was a lot of back and forth, he got me early but I stuck to my guns and had a pair of really good ganks early by Kha'Zix which eventually lead to Jayce just not able to burst me down or even harass effectively due to my regen.

Third game I jungled because, as I understand it/have heard, this is where Mundo really shines. I wasn't disappointed, his ganks aren't super strong compared to my 2 main jungling champs (Udyr and Riven) but he did the job and after a while he was almost indestructible.

All and all Mundo is a very fun champ to play and he really does go where he pleases.