Yesterday i had to support this adc player in a ranked yoloq -match. Level 1 he walked to the middle of the first bot minion wave and took about 50% of his health minion damage and had to use a summoner heal when the enemy Cait attacked him for that mistake. Then he said "Make some more dmg ******" [SiC] to me. I got frustrated with this guy and he even died 3 times in under 10 minutes and continuously flamed me for that. I really couldn't believe I could have such an awfully bad player in my team, basically he was just running into them, past their minion waves. I decided that I'd like to win this game and I can't do it by supporting this type of player that just keeps dying all the time and is flaming others for that, so I left the bot lane entirely, leaving him 1v2. I went roaming between top and mid to help them carry instead and left the adc cry for his existence under the turret. That way we won the game pretty easily after all (even though the adc wasn't really happy for my decision).

(That player should've gone rehearse with some tutorial bots before coming to rankeds. He got carried. Hard. :DD)

I wonder if anyone else has had to resort in a different strategy just to counter someone's bad behavior or gameplay?