In an upcoming tournament sometime during June, both StunAndRun's teams Chicken and Beef will be competing for a total prize pool of $1,000,000 winner takes all. As sister teams, we have made a pact that states whichever team wins, we will split it evenly by two. The concern is that SaR Beef has not been practicing nor do they share the same motive as us to take first place. This is a problem for us because we have been living in this gaming house together for 2 years now and for us to take away the pact will create some drama in the house that may result in fist fights. In the end, people will get hurt. I mean their feelings of course. But why should we share the prize pool if not everyone is giving their all right? So we are debating whether to keep the pact or to break it. Don't get me wrong, their not bad players. It is just that the competition is growing fast due to their motive to achieve bragging rights. And the 1 million dollars. So here we stand with a decision. Do we keep the pact? Or shall we go to war.