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Goal of Today
Acknowledge Lane Phase
Learn New Lane Tricks

This post will be entirely dedicated to Lane Phase explaining why it's so important and what we can do to be better players.

It's time to start!
Here's a little brief that might help you clearing some things you have in mind also it justifies why the current Meta has this particular setup.
Don't be afraid and always keep in mind to see every single thing with an Objective POV, as Lol it's a strategy game we need first to learn all the mechanics of the game and after we can improve our "skill" or better called ability in the game.

Current Meta Explaination
As the map appears with 3 Lanes + Jungle we must find a way to place all together 5 players to have the highest money and experience possible in less time.
And here's exactly our setup:

1 Solo Top
1 Solo Mid
1 Duo Ad-Carry Bot
1 Duo Support Bot
1 Jungler

Solo Top
Top lane as middle lane are made for champions who need experience, generally champions that works great early and mid game (Tanky-Dps , ApCarries).
If they would share Experience with another partner they couldn't be so effective Early-Mid Game. (Their main damage is from skills, higher your level is more base damage you do)
Now just say we will put in this lane a Tanky-Dps, i'll describe in ApCarries why i did that.

Solo Mid
That's the second solo lane we have, at difference of Solo top this lane is pretty specular and that's the reason why we use an ApCarry in this lane, only because of BlueBuff, if you were top (right side) with an ApCarry and you need BlueBuff would be worth doing half of the map and losing lots of Creeps? No, that's why we have ApCarry mid.
As i said before we want to maximize our Gold Income and our experience, like Top lane and Middle lane we have the best Experience, Gold Income and utility (BlueBuff).

Duo Bot
Bottom lane is the last lane we have and since we can't get 2 Junglers, see Jungler section we must play a duo here.
Other than ApCarries, Tanky-Dps there are other typologies of champions such as: AdCarries and Supports, which they will be the one we will use here, Because Supports don't need farm since they have utility skills like Stuns, Heals, Shields, while AdCarry is a Late Game champion that need long time to complete his effective items and for that we let hit all the farm from bottom lane.
Another important reason is that Supports providing their utility can keed warded Dragon Zone easily and that's why we use Duo lane bot instead of using Top.

Jungler is the key that allows to have 2 Solo lanes, his job is to farm with JungleCreeps and Help Laners with a gank if they are having problems.
Remember what i just wrote, He's made to farm in jungle.

This is just a little brief of why we have this setup, every single section, champion, lane will be explained in details in future Blog Posts
For now we just need to know that.


Our job is just to kill those creeps with a killing blow, seems easy uh? well Not.
Last Hitting is one of the hardest things to do and even the best rewarding one! You will have many difficulties in Last Hitting such: Enemy Harass, Ganks and High Concentration Required.
But once you will learn last hitting propely nobody will stop you to get your Platinum Badge
Do you remember what i said about this Chart? ->
I would like that you could think about your average CreepScore in any kind of game you did so far, Be Fair with yourself.

So? What's your score?
Can you get at least 80% of those Creeps?
Did you find it Hard?

If No, you should start instantly Practicing Alone, to just last hit creeps Without Enemies and Without Bots and Come Back when you will have At least 80% of Last Hits.
If Yes, we can start learning some new mechanics/tricks that will improve drastically your lane phase.

I will divide them one by one but remember, every single mechanic is used constantly in a game at the beginning you will find Hard to Remember those but later they will be just Automatic.

Creep Wave Control