Gonna start Ranked either tonight or Monday. Been trying to practice up each of my champs and decided I'm using too many. Tried to narrow down to the following:

Jungle - Nocturne, Elise, and Nautilus if we really need a tank
Top - Elise, Renekton, Kha'Zix, Riven, and Lissandra once I get more practice in
Mid - Kha'Zix, Twisted Fate, Lissandra more practice first
Supp - Sona, Leona, Thresh
ADC - Ashe, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Ezreal

I may try to expand out and add Zed to mid and top later, but for now, these are the champs I am going to focus on. If I can pick up Zac he may get added to jungle to replace one and then later get worked into top. I feel like I should narrow ADC down a bit more, but I like all 4. I also like Varus, but I just don't seem to play him that well. While Caitlyn is a strong pick, I think I tend to play too aggressive with her, whereas, I play more defensive with Ashe and seem to do much better. She's the champ I used to get my first and only Pentakill.

I have some other champs that I have debated about using like Ahri, Diana, and Shen, but I either am not polished with them( Shen) or feel like I just struggle too much with them in team fights( Ahri and Diana). I can usually do well enough in laning phase with Diana even against some of her counters, but I just seem to get to far out trying to catch people with Qs. With Ahri, I can usually play well early and so long as I can catch people out by themselves I am fine, but once it comes to team fights I end up getting caught up in the front lines and then get focused down. I might be fine playing her in ranked if I focus on staying back and waiting to initiate only after everyone else.

I guess that's it for now. Lunch is over and then next break i get should be when I head home and hopefully start Ranked. Any suggestions/advice/etc is welcome. I'll try to keep this updated with how things are going, but I make no promises since I'm pretty forgetful.