So we have a new week of free champions and this weeks champions are , , , , , , , , , . Alright so lets start about by talking about the harder champions on this weeks rotation such as Amumu, Udyr,and Nautilus. Now the reason I think these are the most difficult ones to play are the simple fact that the mechanics they bring. Such as Amumu with Bandage Toss, Nautilus with Dredge Line, and finally Udyr and his aspect switching. Now the reason I think these champions are the ones most difficult is from personal and from friends experiences'.

Trying to land Amumus' Bandage Toss and Nautiluss' Dredge Line is a little difficulty because you have to compensate for where the enemy is running and it's slow moving so if you fail to land it people tend to flame you. Not to mention with Udyr you have to learn how to switch the aspects at the right time and in the right situation. Like using Wilding Claw for damage, Iron Mantle for defense and a little bit of health on hit, Blazing Stampede in order to run in engage and stun some enemies, and finally Wingborne Storm for aoe if you're jungle-ing.

Now lets talk about the easy to medium champions in this rotation starting with the medium to easiest champions. We have Viktor who is a little on the difficult side, but quickly learned thanks to the easy mechanics on him. Graves with his hit and run style of shooting since he can never be up close for to long, but if he is he at least has some durability thanks to his passive and it's also not hard to learn his abilities thanks to them being very straight forward. Janna is a little tricky, but once you learn to use the tornado correctly she to is pretty straight forward as far as abilities goes. Kayle I love ya, but could you be a little harder to play because all you have to do with her is learn when to use your ultimate on the right person. Xin Zhao I feel as if he's almost too easy because at all the levels I played as him or someone else played as him he was never really bad it was just learning when to use your knock up if you had to at the right time. Annie Annie is just learning when to use your stun at the right time and how to build it up without losing all your mana so not much difficulty with her. Finally we have Ryze the reason I left him for last is simply because all you do is spam spells on him literally that's all you do, I mean I know there is an order to it, but you can usually get away with just spamming as him.

Now this is all from my personal experience with these champions and seeing these champions be used. So don't take these out of context and say well the difficulty level riot said is true or something else along those lines, but hey if you want to leave feedback I still enjoy reading it and talking with you guys.

This has been Shadofokkusu on the new "Free Week' Tales!