Ok so I've been playing ranked lately because i feel like it's finally time i tried for it but i have the problem of being provisional right now and when i play ranked my playing style is simply to much for it to be effective i have gotten better with vision control and trying to play safer but i get the feeling that even things i do right is just not improving my ranked plays so i just want help to figure out how to do things correctly where to do them, like lane pressure which i can do when i play support because two people bot but other lanes like jg, top and mid i have a struggle to put lane pressure on the opposing team and i struggle against champions like Riven or Zed because i unfortunately get all the smurfs or people who are just good enough to at least best me so all i ask for is some help with ranked so i can finally climb the ladder and hopefully at least get to silver instead of being stuck on bronze II

if anyone helps me i appreciate any help and thank you for taking the time to help me and i'm glad to have people like you that will help someone else <3