
Top: Lee Sin vs Nasus
Middle: Karthus vs Morgana
Bot: Ezreal and Chogath vs Alistar and Graves
Jungle: Tryndamere vs Shaco


I picked Alistar because our team needed a Tank and since no one picked a tank when it was my turn and our 5th pick couldnt tank so I took up that role.

First blood occurred in mid where Karthus outplayed Morgana

Top lane Nasus had no problem fighting off Lee Sin and continued to win top.

Mid lane Morgana was able to fend off Karthus after FB and continued to win mid.

Bot me and Graves suffered a couple deaths early game but managed to get EZ a couple of times. That's where I believe he started to feed and left bot lane to go feed somewhere else. He eventually went and died soloing Baron -_-