Not gunna lie to everyone here, but I love me some ranked 3s! I know that most people are going to be like "Sp4c3, you are a crazy man!" To this I say, "No no no. I just like the dynamic." To me, ranked 3s is so much more intense, especially how me and my team metas. High pace, high action; high risk, high reward. I find the game to just be so much more action packed than 5s. No more of this first blood at 15+ minutes in, we get ours by the spawn of the second minion wave. (Well actually we are about 66% accurate with that lol).

Anywho, it is my belief that more people should play the 3s game. Ranked or not, it is still a riot and a ton of fun. It allows for a different group of people to succeed because, let's be honest, not everyone is good at 5s (myself included).

What I really want to say is, GO PLAY SOME 3S PEOPLE! Enjoy!
