So I've been playing some new champions as of late, three in particular.

First off is Lulu. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I really enjoyed my first few games with her. I've only gone from strength to strength with her and she's fast becoming one of my comfort champions. Her harass potential is incredible and her skill set is incredibly versatile. I've been alternating maxing Help, Pix! and Glitterlance, both to good effect. I've also been trying out Kage's Lucky Pick on her (an item I only ever really used on Karma before) and it's really nice. Sorcerer's Shoes also make an appearance here and there, although I still prefer Mobility Boots - my standard boots on every support I play.

Secondly, I've also found myself playing a fair bit of Zyra support. I'm really, really enjoying her. I've only really been taking her for aoe team comps, most of the time with Amumu and Vladimir. She's a lot of fun, but - as I expected - she's very dependant on her carry. I have one amazing game with an Ezreal, where we just dominated the lane, but a very poor game afterwards against a Sona who just bullied me out of the game. Still, she shines in late game, once I manage to get some AP items under my belt. Abyssal Mask and Will of the Ancients are fast becoming staple items, although it does mean I often forgo my usual Zeke's Herald, which isn't something I like doing. This was always a late game item for me, but now I tend toward getting it during the mid game - immediately if our tank or bruiser has an Aegis of Legion. That's a major change in my play style actually. I never really appreciated it as a staple item before. Though when playing an AP heavy support like Zyra, it do tend to stray away from it.

The final new champion I've been playing is Sona. As expected, I've had some nice games with Ezreals, although the bad outweighs the good. She really seems to be a jack of all trades, master of none kind of support - a little similar to Karma. Sub par heals, damage and speed. Her only saving grace is her ultimate Crescendo, which hasn't ever been a game changer for me - just good at securing the occasional kill. I guess I just need more practice with her. I'm still terrible at judging her range - I always overestimate it. Her passive is hard to get used to as well, although it does end up putting out good damage when used right. She's nice with aoe team comps, but I'm tending to favour Zyra over her these days.

That's about it really. I played a few games with AD Nidalee support, but they never worked well. Tried to work in an Avarice Blade build, but it never really got off the ground and I always found myself with low tier items. Soraka still see's a fair bit of play, although I'm falling out with her lack of harass potential. I've had some fun games with Janna, although I only ever play her to counter enemy aoe. I'm also just beginning to appreciate her harass potential too. I also really want to play some more Karma games, but I haven't had chance yet.

Anyway, until next time!