It's been a tough day one! Six defeats in a row was pretty galling. Finally got into the groove with Lulu towards the end. Began testing out MPen runes and they're so lovely on her. Much better than the flat armour I was running before. Got the beautiful new Dragon Tamer skin for her too, after refunding my old Wicked skin and a Xin Zhao skin (don't ask me why I had a Xin Zhao skin, I don't even play him). Even managed to get a cheeky Karma match, who I've been wanting to play again for ages. Took her to counter a support Nidalee and she really stepped up the plate. Speaking of Nidalee, her skin update looks so good! Can't wait to play a few more games with her afterwards - really want to get to grips with her as AD support. Sounds strange, but I've come across some good ones before and they've been pretty hard to counter. But I digress. Gonna call it a night now, sitting at 1124 elo - much better than the 900 I was after those first six games!