Playing as Vayne in ranked solo queue, I get to mid game and it's clear my team has the advantage. Outfarmed the Graves laning against me and a few good ganks by our Trundle jungler and Diana mid put me ahead in kills. Our Teemo was winning top lane against a Jayce, as was Diana against Akali. So I say, 'hey guys, let's force our advantage'. We group up mid, force the tower, we trade for a bit before Diana ulti's in. I follow. 1 Kill. 2 Kills. 3 Kills. 4 Kills. I'm sitting on a quadra kill and my heart's pounding. I glance around to see their Nami still alive on a sliver of health. Then I overestimate myself. I use Condemn. Boom, she goes flying. Survives with 30hp. Then I'm left there, taunted by the cruel, unforgiving and elusive pentakill mistress. I have only myself to blame.