Wow, I know, I'm as surprised as you. I know it's only low elo (1k), but still, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself right now. Jungling is so far removed from my comfort zone, that even winning at this elo is a massive confidence boost. The first game was fairly passive - I spent most of my time early on in the jungle, coming in for a few ganks. I had a Teemo top vs Darius so I didn't worry about him too much. I had a Luxmid, facing a Katarina and my priority was to stop her snowballing (which I did pretty well). Bot lane did very poorly, with a premade Varus and Taric. But fortunately the Ezreal and Nidalee facing them pushed up way too far, so I got in some nice ganks there. Pretty much ended up carrying the game - somehow!

The second game - wow. Not stop action. We invaded their red, then we collapsed down on bot lane and killed their Ashe. Then I grabbed my blue, ganked their Heimerdinger in mid, then ganked their Zed top, then Heimerdinger, then Zed... I was literally just walking back and forth from top to mid and getting a gank everytime. Eventually collapsed back down on bot to get the tower and kill Ashe and Nunu & Willump. Grabbed dragon afterwards and went back to base with 3.2k gold. I hardly spent any time in the jungle at all. Got off some beautiful Glacial Prison's too. This game really made me reconsider Sejuani's early game. I've always tried to rush 6 for ganks, but she doesn't do too badly before then. Even a level 3 gank with Permafrost is still pretty deadly. What I really liked though was just being able to control the game like that - something I can't do when I usually support.

But yes, sorry for blowing my own trumpet as it were, but I'm just pretty happy at the moment :)