Literally just met the worst person in solo queue.

Okay, so we're at picks and bans. There are three of us on the blue team, in order: summoner A, summoner B, summoner C (me), summoner D and summoner E. Now, summoner A locks in Blitzcrank for his duo partner summoner E. Because I wasn't going to supp obviously, I went for my next best lane choice, top. So Olaf gets locked in first by the other team, along with Xin Zhao. So, I went for the best counter I had, Jayce, who surprising made it through the bans. Then summoner B wanted to take Brand. We talked him out of it, because he could get countered quite hard. In the end, he took Amumu and agreed to swap with someone else - I forget who. Then, we finished off our team with Draven and Brand. Then it got a bit confusing. I think summoner A thought he was going Brand, so they both made the switch. Then summoner B starts screaming: 'I CANT JUNGLE I CANT JUNGLE I CANT JUNGLE.' Now I had been pretty silent during the whole selection phase, just happy that I finally had a chance to play Jayce. I never get to play him - hell, I don't think I actually have played him apart from vs bots. Then, about 8 seconds before the game started, summoner B requested a swap with me. Then, the nice guy in me won out, and I accepted, taking Amumu.

What followed next was the worst display of sportsmanship I've ever witnessed. Immediately after the game began, Jayce began flaming Blitzcrank and Brand. I eventually just tell them all to shut up, then we get on with the game. Then Jayce dies. Right off the bat. I felt like smacking my head on the keyboard. After all that and he dies right away! Then he starts moaning about how Olaf counters him. I was pretty speechless. Then the game went from bad to worse. Bot pushed too hard and ended up feeding the other team's Graves, whilst Brand did the same for the Annie he was facing. Jayce, well, he was useless as well. Now, I of course take some responsibility. I'm not a jungler at all - I hate jungling. I got off one good gank on Annie, getting us first blood, but that was about it. I didn't go to top at all. Not because I was bitter, just because I knew Jayce countered Olaf, and the other lanes needed the help more. Then Jayce starts complaining that I didn't help him out. And it's a fair accusation, but the way I see it, he had absolutely no right to say it. I did him a favour and swapped out because I was feeling charitable and I wanted to be nice. He can't say anything about my jungling ability. At least I actually stepped up to the plate and did it, instead of just moaning and flaming.

He went afk after that and we eventually surrendered shortly after 20 minutes. We all have bad games and this was nothing out of the ordinary, were it not for my poor attempt to try to do a good deed.

The moral of the story? Don't expect the best from anyone in League of Legends, cause you sure as hell won't get it - especially not in solo queue at 5am.