So I just played my first five games on the new Twisted Treeline update. I wanted to wait for two of my team mates before I played my first game, but they've been too busying grinding elo for the new (and hideous) Janna skin. So, in the end I opted to just play some solo games. At four in the morning. Not a wise decision by any means. Anyway, here's what they looked like:

Now, I wasn't really sure what to expect. When I first started playing, I played 3v3 games almost exclusively. However, by level 20 or so, I was mainly playing 5v5's. Since then, I rarely ever ventured back to the Twisted Treeline. When I did tonight, it was strange. Not just because of the update, but because I've completely forgotten the dynamics of a 3v3 game. It's safe to say I struggled in that respect.

So, first all of, I must say the map looks beautiful. It's a great map and it's a joy to play on in that respect alone. The inclusion of the altars is a nice touch and adds an interesting dimension to the game. Having an extra objective adds flavour and a certain unpredictability. You're not always confined to your lane, focussing on last hitting or even ganking or getting kills. The jungle is nice too and makes a 3v3 jungler very viable, unlike the previous version. The speed gate in the centre I don't feel adds too much - I certainly didn't find myself using it a whole lot (unlike the gates in Dominion for example).

The thing that bugs me the most so far is that a level one team fight is almost guaranteed. Because both teams are trying to capture each other's altars, invades are inevitable. It's all well and good trying to get the advantage early on, but when someone gets a triple kill at the one minute mark, it's pretty much game over. When I first read about the altars, I naturally assumed that there would be at least a five minute wait before they became active. Having them this early forces these early team fights, which are very hard to come back from. It's easier to come back from a wipe on Summoner's Rift, just by farming, but on a smaller map with a much faster pace, it's very difficult to try and get yourself back into the game.

Still, one thing I love (and have always loved about 3v3's) is the versatility. 5v5's are so dominated by champion types, that you're forced into a role - top, carry, mid, support, jungler. With this game type, you have so much more freedom. Naturally a tank, an ap champion and an ad champion would be pretty good, but that isn't set in stone. That's why my first games here were with characters I like, but never get to play very often. Zyra worked well, but the others not so much. Partly because of this, partly because of the new map, partly because it's 5am and I'm really tired and partly because they don't suit my (current) playstyle. But, it is fun to be able to play them.

Another main point, which I've touched upon already, is that this new update is really fast paced. Like REALLY fast paced. Most of my games ended before the 20 minute mark. Whilst this is good in some respects, I feel it could be toned down a little. I liked the pacing of the old version. This places such a high emphasis on immediate kills/ganks that games are won and lost in the first five minutes.

Perhaps it all just takes some getting used to. I'm really out of practise with 3v3's and it shows. But these were just my initial musings. Hope you enjoyed, zai jian!