Mordekaiser have really got the power from nothing to take mid lane so easy and fast. Had a hard laning against Lux in a game like a minute ago, but when i lvled 6, i did the E,Q,Ignite and R combo and burst her down. Then i had 1/0/0. Lux did a good work to poke me with her range and spells but when i got that first kill i got unstoppable. I ganked top and got a easy kill and assist so i was on fire ;).

It was a normal game yes. But it's still a good game and fun so don't really care rofl.

In the teamfights i was the king ;), came out of them with tripple kills and save 3 team mates.

So my final score was 20/3/6 and i was pretty happy about my stats, and i hope for more success!

Here is the pic of the stats and my items i used, and have a nice night summoners!