So after going with a 4-game losing streak, trying out an AD carry (Ashe) rather than just building Teemo as an AD Carry (Lol, true story), the last game I decided to try jungle Xin, first time jungler Xin, and hadn't played Xin for about two weeks, so I was rusty.
Ended up being 7/30~, with me actually giving first blood on a failwhale gank, aswell as an awesome fight to the death with Akali which ended up in both of us killing each other with our last auto attacks (No ignite from her, and I had flash/smite), and there was alot of rage at people not surrendering, and the teams being too friendly to each other(Seriously, what? Despite us losing, we were having nice convo with them :D)
They started trolling us, keeping us alive, letting us farm, playing with us, etc.
So me and Ashe duo'd Baron (I almost died :( Only lv 16!) which got our team our first ace.

And then eventually Baron respawned, they aced us slowly, and then tried to take it, decided against it despite easily being able to kill it, leaving it wardless.
So we ended up grabbing a second Baron.

Anyways, so I bought Fizz, and tried him out in a bot game (I don't know why people play first time champs in PvP without atleast a custom game or a bot game to play around with their skills, unless they just mean first time PvP)
He's fun, but really strange. It took me about 3 reckless deaths to get to grips with him.. sort of.

Now here's a question for you guys that arose when I randomly thought of it and blurted it out into all chat in that last game.

What in the sweet holy candy land is a seneschal?