I decided to do a memory lane ^^

This is mostly to recall past events or interesting things that happened while I played LoL.

I remember ...
When Kennen's E made him untargetable...

I thought Evelynn was OP...

Twitch was never free and when I saw him played, I was like wtf is this rat?...

When Pantheon dived me and I was like 'idiot' until he blocked tower shots...

When I built AD tank Morgana...

When I saw Akali on the other team and was like "GG D:"...

When I actually lost bot games(LOLOLOL)...

When glass cannons were OP and could Pentakill...

When I would jungle the first minute only to be behind by 3 levels...

When I built a ton of Mana Regen on Swain thinking I could keep his ult on forever...good thing I failed xD

When I didn't use MOBAfire and failed all my games...

When I first played vs a good Nocturne...Q_Q scary

There's my memory lane, about the LoL of the past~