In my opinion, the AD Carry is one of if not the most important roles in League of Legends. Their role is to put out max damage from far away. As an AD Carry, positioning is of utmost importance. putting yourself in the backs and sides of fights draw attention to you dragging enemies through your team. One important thing to note that I think is important (JUST AN OPINION) as an AD Carry, I find it better for someone else to initiate fights. Carries are not tanky and therefore, if you get focused you will die in seconds. Try not to make yourself a target! Spread your damage out through the whole enemy team setting up many kills for your team. Find more than 1 AD Carry that you are good at and familiar with. My top two AD Carry's are Caitlyn and Varus. But the most popular are Graves and Ezreal. When you are a good AD Carry you become extremely annoying. Being teamed in bottom lane with a support Janna or Blitzcrank, I find, is one of the most fun groupings in League. Hope this helps. Remember! There are five roles in a 5v5 match! You can be what you please!