I just can't wait anymore for Lucian. He just looks so good, and his potential as an AD carry is great. His skills are hybrid, but mostly AD. Just from looking at his skills and watching Beta server gameplay, I can tell he could be one of those super-high damage characters that can wipe out most of your health with his Q, like Ultra-AP Veigar or Ryze. And since his ultimate benefits from attack speed, if you got attack speed in with attack damage and ability power, you could have a very, very mean champ on your hands. His ultimate, The Culling, can be interrupted, because it is considered a channel. He himself cannot stop this ability, and can use Flash, his third ability Relentless Pursuit (A dash), or any other sudden movement function without interrupting it. So slap some Phantom Dancer's on this guy, and he could be your worst nightmare. Also, I know almost nobody except for Riot employees will have this information. Aside from Lucian, are there any other champs in development? I would like to know, so PM me or respond to this. Non-senior senior citizen, signing off!