I've been playing Lissandra this past week and she's listed as a mage / ranged but I really feel that her roles are mislabeled and misleading.

First off, none of her abilities are really single target orientated, frozen tomb hit's a single target but has an area of effect. Ice Shard, Glacial Path, and Ring of Frost all hit an Area.

I really feel that Lissandra should be changed to support or pusher. A lot of builds recommend getting a lot of ability power up front but I've found that it's relatively useless in unranked play. You're not going to hit someone for high damage and kill them.

What I have found out is that by starting off the game with a faerie charm and 5 mana potions that I'm really able to push the lanes like crazy. Ice Shards shatters through minions into champions, a lot of times even 1v2 the two champions end up going back to base via recall long before they want to.

Glacial Path and Ring of Frost are excellent at escaping chase or excellent at giving chase.

I've began choosing Teleport as one of my main summoner spells because at level 6 when I get Frozen Tomb I typically teleport into another lane and drop Frozen Tomb which quickly helps my allies kill the enemies and clear a lane. Any runners from Frozen Tomb are quickly stuck in place with Ring of Frost.

Equipping a lot of ability power does very little because Lissandra is really situational and more support.

What I began doing is focusing on cooldown reduction and mana regeneration before I go full on Ability Power. Survivability is even a plus since when she teleports in to own an entire group of people she can get out. Flash is my second summoner spell which helps me Teleport in, Frozen Tomb/Ring of Frost and then Flash out.

I've found this strategy to be game changing for my team. Most games I end up with a few kills but the leader in assists for the team.

Here is what my build typically looks like, My Lissandra Build

You can also view the one I submitted to Mobafire from my profile.

Let me know what your thoughts are on Lissandra.