Tweaked and reposted from my ranked update thread.

I received coaching from Bot Only a Diamond 1/sometime Master ranked NA player.

We did an active game review and a couple of VOD reviews of games I had played. We used Skype to share my screen though I found that I had to change my in-game video display setting to Borderless from Full Screen as it kept dropping me out of League, which resulted in an early death when I had a game drop and their jungler or Mid laner spotted me out.

Other than that and some idiot teammates I ended up ahead in farm and XP compared to my counterpart in the enemy jungle. Part of that came from clearing lanes after ganks to help my laners get out of lane sooner so they could back and heal up. More priority on farming, especially in the Mid game (I think I farm a lot, but I don't especially in the Mid game when teams seem to want to ARAM and you feel you have to be there in case your team gets engaged on or when laners are whining about needing help because they are taking a drubbing/getting camped by the enemy jungler).

Synchronize your aggression with the wave and your jungler's position:

Point for non-junglers: If you call for a gank and your jungler has three camps up on your side of the map you are asking your jungler to skip guaranteed gold and XP for a MAYBE. Skipping camps may also mean skipping Red buff which could help make the gank successful.

Try and time your aggression/need for help when your jungler is on your side of the map and has finished their clear and set up the lane so the enemy laner is pushing into your territory so that they have further to go before reaching safety. Also freaking try to poke your laner down before calling for a gank. A half health laner is a much juicier target than a full health laner.

Junglers: When you scan a lane look at the laner's health, the minion count, and the minion position in the lane, and check to make sure your laner's ultimate is up. If you see a lane that is going to push back toward your side of the map, that can be an opportunity for a gank.

How to Correct a Feeding Lane?

Junglers. If your laner is way behind one possible point in the game to try and correct the lane is right after you hit 6th level and have Red Buff.

E.g. That Riven is 2 levels ahead of you and your laner? If you are going to try and get your laner back in the game, get 6th level and get Red Buff and make sure that both you and your laner have your ults up. Then try and make a play on the Riven. (you can take the scenario from here - maybe you bring your support up at the same time to make it a 1 v 3).

Enemy Jungle Ganks at Level 2? Punish them by counter jungling them on the other side of the map.

If the enemy jungler ganks at level 2 be sure to punish them hard for it by counter jungling the opposite side of their jungle. Drop a ward around Mid lane just to the other side of the wolves so you can see if the enemy jungler does decided to come to that side of the jungle after backing. You can also check their CS count and see what buffs they had on them (e.g. 8 + only Red Buff would mean that they did raptors, Red, scuttle), which would leave their Krugs up which they are likely to do after ganking.

If your team is behind:

If you are behind you tend to need to simply wave clear and let the enemy team engage while making sure that your squishies have peel. Ward your flanks to watch for engages and to see targets that are out of position.

Think about how long it has been since your team backed. Assume that if their ultimates are down then they have NOT had time to back. Don't start fights in those scenarios. Just wave clear or hold lanes while your teammates have a chance to back. Also make sure you have equal or greater numbers when starting a fight.

Ranged champions: I know you are squishy, but if you can find a window to do so, step up and clear as much of the wave as possible, preferably all of it. Even Mid game the enemy team is unlikely to have enough tank stats to ignore turret shots completely. With the wave gone your turret gets much tougher because nearby enemy minions reduce the armor of at turret significantly. Don't make your all melee jungler clear a wave on a turret that is under siege. (this is one of the biggest WTFs I see in Bronze, Silver, and Gold).

If you have CC or are the engager:

Before taking fights you need to ask yourself is anyone on your team close enough to follow-up on what you are doing? Are they too far away or are they occupied with something else? In that case you can move into position to help them to make sure you don't get separated and kited out or killed, only turning when your team is ready to follow-up. If you use your CC or engage abilities without follow-up it will likely be on cool down when you need it.

If you have a revive passive/item or your flash is down then you need to play much less aggressively. If you do engage think about where that puts you? Can you get out if you go here? What about if you go on the juiciest target? The later might be a bit too far. Think about position and don't get overly ambitious when you engage.

Keep your farm up:

Farm in the Mid game. (an area that I need work on). Don't let your camps stay up. Clear one side of the jungle then look to gank, unless a really obvious opportunity presents itself (Mid lane trading heavily? Head straight to your Red for the additional gank advantage then hover Mid lane to see if you can make a play).

Vision denial is just as important as vision:

As a jungler get your sweeping lens at level 9. It is the job of other teammates to ward at that point in the game. Work on denying vision. Buy pink wards. Sell your potions if necessary.

Be opportunistic:

Steal the enemy Raptors as off as you can*. Conversely, don't leave your Raptors up for the enemy jungler or their Mid laner to steal.

*don't walk in to take it if their Mid laner and jungler are both MIA while your Mid laner is dead or in base. Be opportunistic, but be smart about it.