Gank or Invade?

On your first clear whether or not you should take Scuttle Crab on the side of the map you are on depends on if your lanes have priority or not and/or how you feel about your chances if you meet the enemy jungler in the river.

Win rates on most junglers are in the 50% range. There are some with higher - Zac, Nunu & Willump, Ivern, Shaco, Jarvan IV to name a few that I know of off the top of my head. This suggests to me that jungle is not the place to carry out of at the moment unless you really know what you are doing with a particular champion/match-up.

I tend to tailor my pick to what my team needs, but I'm not entirely sure this is the right approach. Had the thought last night that I would be better off knowing the lane match-ups well enough to know which lanes should be pushing lanes.


If you have pushing lanes then the enemy jungle is relatively safely accessible. This suggests that you pick a good invader/duelest.

If you have lanes that are going to be pushed in then a jungler that is a good ganker/2v2 specialist might be a better choice.

This is why I think Lee Sin is a perennial favorite. He can opt for either strategy and his mobility and play making potential results in him being fun to play.

Zac is probably the best overall jungler at the moment for dealing with either situation and he has relatively safe Cell Division and effective initiation along with clearing quickly and with high health.

Graves is also still solid at both especially in lower tiers where people often don't pay attention to wards or pings so his lack of CC is less of a concern in pulling off successful ganks.

I haven't had a lot of success with Nunu & Willump or Ivern at low Gold. Nunu is one that I've never had much success on even when he is Top tier for winrates. On Ivern I've had glimpses of success but overall I find my results with him to be inconsistent. Both of them end up being very dependent on one of their carries being competent. Then you can just follow the carry around and buff and peel for them. But consistency in low Gold is hard to find, which is why we are in low Gold.

;tldr one way to make a decision about which jungler to pick is to know your lane match-ups. For pushing lanes pick a strong invader/duelest ( Kha'Zix comes to mind). For lanes that are going to be pushed pick a strong ganker ( Pantheon might be a perfect fit in this scenario).