Ranked is a different beast than normals. If you want to get better at the game play ranked.

If you want to learn a champion do it in normals or in Flexqueue. Don't first time it in ranked soloqueue.

Don't link your worth as a person to your performance in the game whether normals or ranked. It is just a game and half the time it is a complete **** show and you can only do so much carrying and so much cheer leading.

Don't worry about your LP gains and loses. LP loses and gains get closer together the closer you get to your true rank. If you figure something out and go on a huge winning streak your MMR will go up and you will start gaining more LP for wins because the system wants to place you with players of similar ability to you.

Worry about your own play - Your mistakes and your successes.

Work towards consistently making the right plays and the right calls about where to be on the map.

Then deliberately apply your knowledge each and every time you get onto the rift.

Accept the fact that your are going to lose matches. Sometimes a lot. I think my record is 17 ranked loses across two accounts.

That is just a call to check yourself in order to figure out what things you need to adjust in your gameplay.

Learn to play all the positions and all the champions (in normals or flexqueue first!).

After having played a season as primarily a jungler I think more about

1. The state of the map in general
2. Where the enemy jungler is located
3. What vision I have or don't have to protect myself from ganks
4. Where my jungler is located and what their resources (health and mana) are at the time

As a Top laner I could still be better about shoving the wave to the enemy turret when my jungler is invading or trying to control the scuttle crab on my side of the map and moving to be in position to help them.

I say learn all the champions because I've watched my friends that are newer to league die in so many silly ways (silly to me with as much experience as I have under my belt). Like "Oh, someone placed a ward over the jungle wall while they are sieging our Mid inner turret, I'll go take that ward out since the tower is giving me vision of it." One Blitzcrank hook in the future and we are down a team member so we lose the siege.

You don't need to know all the champions as well as a one trick would.

But you want to have a general idea of

1. Their critical threat distance
2. Typical ability rotations
3. Some of the strategies they use to get the most out of their kit ( Poppy loves it when you stand near walls!!!)

Turn off all chat. The enemy team isn't going to tell you anything useful.

Consider muting all, especially as jungler. People are unreasonably nasty toward their junglers. They expect you to be everywhere if everywhere means camping their lane because just about everyone on your team knows they could hard stomp the game if they could just get a gank.

If you do type anything in chat. Limit it to praise, cheer leading, or to convey really important information that can't easily be communicated with pings.

2 best examples I can recall.

1. Jungler you are two levels down. Go farm.
2. We are losing fights when we don't get to Brand. Malphite can you fix that?

1 bad example from me in a recent game

"Don't do that Ryze. You got me killed by turning on the enemy when we were out clean."

My death was own fault. I should have recognized that I just needed to keep running in a straight line to make a clean escape and if the Ryze died that was his own problem. Instead we both ended up getting killed. In moving my ire into chat I inappropriately shifted the blame and put Ryze on the defensive with no good way out. He basically inted the rest of the game thereafter or at least played very poorly and maybe if I had kept my mouth shut that wouldn't have happened.

You will drive yourself crazy if you focus on the mistakes that the indivdual players on your team make and you can't fix them (for the most part...see the point about having Malphite ult the most dangerous target).

You can only fix yourself. You are the consistency between game to game to game.

Look to:

-Tighten up your laning
--Get every last hit you can even while being harrassed
--Make sure you know exactly how to last hit under tower using a combination of your abilities and your autoattacks
--Trade at appropriate times

-Ward at appropriate times
-Use pinks when you can protect them and will be up in lane and thus susceptible to ganks
-Get deep wards in the enemy jungle if possble as futher insurance

-Learn the ins and outs your various lane match-ups
--Can you trade with them at all?
--When are you strong
--When are they strong

Example, when playing against Riven's I make a point to count their Qs because once activated they can hold onto the ?charges? for a while. After she has used he third Q charge she is much less dangerous so it can be okay to move in and pick up some CS or start a trade if I can get her to hankshake on it.

After you have laning phase down

Figure out how you can influence the rest of the map.

If you are Top laner generally you want to shove the wave into the enemy turret and then look to roam so you can do other things like:

-Top up your health and mana using the river plants
-Take the Scuttle Crab for gold, XP, and vision
-Gank Mid lane
-Teleport to Bot lane for a gank
-Invade the enemy jungle to take camps or to put down vision or assist your jungler
-Back to spend the 1200gold you've earned*

*Don't sit on much more gold than this if you can avoid it. Earned gold does not translate into more combat stats or utility if it hasn't been spent

Outside of lane your goals should be activities that get your team

1. Towers
2. Neutral Objectives
3. Vision
4. Kills (because those make it easier to do the other things).

On ranked anxiety

You've got your laning phase down and you know where you are supposed to be on the map. What are you worried about?

I think having that confidence that you know what you need to be doing goes a long way toward minimizing ranked anxiety.

If that isn't enough then look to estanblish small rituals such as:

-Gaming hoody on
--Hood up
-Shoes off
-Mousepad is free of obstructions
-Cats are locked in the bedroom
-Jumped into a game in the pratice tool and my ping is good
-I have the lastest GeForce drivers*
-My rune pages are current
-I have my match-ups list in the background so I know which of my mains I'm going to pick
-Let's do this!

*I check this before I play because I was getting kicked from games right as the game was loading after champion select due to my DirectX not being up to date.

Whew, okay that is all I have for now. Hopefully there are some ranked or aspiring ranked players that can get something from this. Thanks for taking the the time to read all the way through if you have made it this far.