Like last night my team was winning but seemed to forget that taking the enemy Nexus was the ultimate goal.

We had them down one inhib and I could not get the team to go to Baron. Instead a couple of people on our team started trying to 1v4 or 1v5 their entire team, which did lead to us get their Top turret, but were it to have continued it would have eventually given the other team a way back into the game.

Their mid inhibitor came back up. In all chat i typed "group as 5, take their inhibitors, then baron."

We did 1, and 2, but they didn't really contest us that hard so their entire team was still alive with homeguard advantage, while we had taken enough damage that finishing under such conditions would have been questionable. Why risk an ace and having them run straight down mid at a point in the game where they were conceivable strong enough to do so even without minions?

But when Thresh and Zyra came flying out of their know the two people who are really well equipped to catch people out, my team really really really wanted to re-engage.

I pinged out and Baron and headed toward Baron while keeping one eye on my team and the enemy team's progress thinking that I was more than likely going to have to turn around and rescue my team from stupid, but one our other players took up the call for Baron, so they waived off re-engaging and we took Baron, bought, and then went straight up mid as five with Baron buff and two lanes worth of super minions and won the game.