So I was checking out the forums like usuall and I was amazed by the amounts of threads people have been posting, and all of had the same topic. "Server crash". It's 1.22 AM here in Sweden right now so I dont really feel like playing League at this hour, besides, I'm on my laptop right now and I dont really feel like turning on my PC.
As I said, im not playing League so I haven't experienced any kind of disconnection but I really hope they do something about it and maybe give us summoners a little gift for our patience? Maybe a little RP? An IP boost maybe?
Whoa Im such a no-lifer wasting my time on playing League all day long. I only play like one game a day, the rest of my time lately have been going to the MOBAfire community. I recently made a guide for Jax, my favorite champion right now. You can go check it out if you want to. If you cant find it on my profile, it's called "my weapon makes no sense..." It's pretty good if you ask me. Tell a friend about it.
Well that's all for me. Goodnight folks.