Bot-lane synergies

Hello peeps!

Time for another blog on how to support! Tonight's blog will cover botlane synergies: how can you theorycraft the best synergizing supports for each ad carry? A rather simple question, and I will not be giving you all synergies. I am just giving a little explanation which should help you out a bit :)

This is a rather important part in botlane, because lacking synergy can pretty much cost you the lane. Keep in mind that synergies are not that important for late game.

Basically, when theorycrafting matchups, you need to ask yourself the following question: What are the pros and cons of the ADC champ?

Lets break this question down with a couple of examples:

Miss Fortune: Her strengths are AoE damage and overall burst. So, if you want to pick a support for MF, you want to pick a support that has the same abilities.
A few good supports for her are Thresh (Engage, AoE, burst) and Sona (massive AoE and good burst).

Caitlyn: Her strength is long range poke/autoattack/siege. So, you'll be wanting to pick someone who has the same long-ranged poke OR with an autoattack enhancing spell. However, because of her poke possibilites, you can also pick something that covers up her weakness: all-out fights (-> disengaging abilities)
Good supports for Cait would be Nami (poke/autoattack buff and (dis)engage), Janna (free ad + disengage) and Lulu (poke + shields/heals).

Simply said, you want to have a look at the abilities your AD Carry has, and couple them with a support that has the same kind of abilities.