Hey Mobafire, pull up a chair and grab a drink cause this is a bit of a long one. First of all please allow me to introduce myself. My names Wasabi and ive been playing LoL for a solid year now, a level 30 summoner with over 400 wins and too scared to even touch ranked queues, a bit sad really. With that being said ive had my ups and downs with the wonderful solo normal queue denizens like many of you had. The difference is ive found the rowdier bunch more entertaining. Seeing as im pretty bad at the game as far as making plays and remembering to ward and such (which the wonderful guides presented here have helped me with immensely), im easy bait for anyone that just wants to ruin your day. Whether it be trolls, know it all metahounds, or just straight up ****s. Surprisingly i really don't have a problem with any of them.

Which brings me to what this is all about. Today i finally saw something that made me crack. Something that actually made me a bit dissapointed at the sheer stupidity of what was said and done. This chat log might seem like bread and butter to some of you but let me explain something to you. This went on in tthe AFTERgame chat for a good 30 minutes. and just to get the atmosphere going ill tell you about the game itself.

The game was during the time when client was going whacky and disconnect galore was happening, my friend who was playing tf got stuck with smite and exaust with jungle runes and masteries after a client crash before the game started. i was playing an normal udyr jungle with a reneketon top and a varus panth bottom. Long story short it wasn't a very good game for either side. During the final minutes of the game our renekton disconnected which caused the whole thing, see now varus and panth were premade together which led to them doing this:
*names censored with Champion names
*of course if you have a problem with course language be advised theres lots of it

Renekton: Report me?
Varus: ***s
Renekton: For what?
Varus: yes you!!!
Varus: ***
Pantheon: afking
Twisted Fate: I lagged out at the beginning and couldn't choose summoner spells
Pantheon: you afkd
Renekton: I said I had to D/c because I couldn't see Graves.
Pantheon: dont care
Renekton: I explained that in team chat.
Pantheon: you were there to surrender
Varus: you were a friking ****!!!
Pantheon: sitting in the base
Twisted Fate: So after losing I decided to work on my paper
Pantheon: reporting
Varus: gave up like a pusssy
Varus: ***gggoot
Twisted Fate: School is more important than a game we were losing?
Pantheon: reported teemo as well
Pantheon: then why are you playing the game
Varus: uninstal and go play minecraft
DragonnogarD: ******
Renekton: You clearly know how to read team, and all chat.
Renekton: Don't you?
Pantheon: 3rd grade must be hard
Twisted Fate: I wonder what they would do if I went and killed myself
Twisted Fate: Oh wait
Twisted Fate: that's right
Varus: you should
Pantheon: oh wait
Twisted Fate: the internet dehumanizes us
Varus: kill yourself
Renekton: You're a genius.
Pantheon: 3rd grade is hard
Pantheon: go tell your mom to uninstall this game
Twisted Fate: Linear Algebra is hard
Twisted Fate: You stupid ****
Pantheon: that you should not be playing at you're age
Varus: LOL
Pantheon: reported
Pantheon: harassment
Varus: google more ****
Pantheon: LINEAR
Pantheon: ALGEBRA
Varus: wow lol
Twisted Fate: No
Twisted Fate: No it's not
Varus: dude...he is the kid that was trying to put the triangle in the circle hole
Pantheon: 16 year old generation is doomed
Pantheon: DOOMED
Pantheon: ^^^
Pantheon: O_O
Pantheon: ^^^
Pantheon: win?
Twisted Fate: No
Varus: cry more uninstall and go kill yourself
Pantheon: QQ
Pantheon: umad?
Pantheon: wittle boi
Twisted Fate: I'm trying to remain composed so I don't find where you live and murder your family
Varus: LOL
Pantheon: Reported harassment
Pantheon: Thats like
Pantheon: being mad over dropping a doughnut
Varus: dude ill give you my adress
Pantheon: fat kids
Pantheon: r
Pantheon: mad
Pantheon: RMAD
Wasabi26: wow what a *** you are
Varus: night boi tell ur mom she sucks in bed
Pantheon: You're score come up with that?
Wasabi26: i come back into client to see these two *****?
Pantheon: damn
Wasabi26: just leave
Pantheon: your boyfriend is mad too
Varus: You like it
Pantheon: FIGHT ME BRO
Wasabi26: not exactly mad
Wasabi26: just dissapointed
Pantheon: LETS DO IT BRO
Wasabi26: cute
Pantheon: no whats disapointing is 2-5.1-5 premade
Wasabi26: so you didint notice that the game is over
Wasabi26: actually
Wasabi26: for that matter
Pantheon: ive won 3v5's
Pantheon: ive won 4v5's
Wasabi26: what the hell are you expecting from tf with smite
Varus: dude i just relized he said his chat just loaded....WELFARE COMPUTER
Pantheon: its a strategy game
Pantheon: doesnt matter
Wasabi26: no actually
Wasabi26: ive had chat minimized
Pantheon: ill go smite and revive
Pantheon: and still win
Pantheon: mid tf with 71 cs
Pantheon: i was bot lane with varus and still got 86 cs
Wasabi26: are we srsly talking about a game that ended a good 5 minutes ago
Varus: I am going to go clense and promote lol
Wasabi26: you could litteraly be queing
Wasabi26: in another game
DragonnogarD: Ok and im suckin a D
Wasabi26: and playing by now
Pantheon: why are you two still here
Pantheon: sucking d's also?
Pantheon: thats pretty gay bro
Wasabi26: im here because i find it entertaning
Varus: were just going to get paired up with more hobos like you
Wasabi26: i find the fact that you 2 have been sitting here
Wasabi26: ***********ing eachother off
Wasabi26: on a game that ended 5 minutes ago
Pantheon: im gonna go grab a beer devil
Pantheon: you want one?
Pantheon: cause we are 21
Varus: ^^ caps op
Wasabi26: only because your stupidity is astounding
Pantheon: damn bro
Pantheon: so you havent talked in 10 minutes
Pantheon: because you were looking up what astounding meant?
Wasabi26: im 14 and i have more maturity in my left testie then you do
Pantheon: took a while you think?
Varus: his bald left testie
Pantheon: you're mother should have spit you out
Twisted Fate: your*
Varus: lol
Pantheon: you caught it
Pantheon: nice
Wasabi26: your 21
Varus: *golf clap
Pantheon: Wanna 2v2?
Wasabi26: and you cant get basic grammar right
Pantheon: *GOLF CLAP
Pantheon: with caps
Pantheon: can't*
Wasabi26: better and better with each sentence
Pantheon: you forgot something buddy :D
Varus: fer sure duh
Pantheon: fur*
Varus: fir
Wasabi26: i havent passed grade school
Pantheon: that sucks man
Varus: understood
Varus: first grade so op..
Wasabi26: and i still know grammar better then you
Wasabi26: like i said
Pantheon: it literally took you twenty seconds to type that
Wasabi26: better better with each sentence
Pantheon: you laggin bruh?/
Pantheon: better better with each sentence
Pantheon: somethings wrong there
Pantheon: you're failing
Varus: these kids humaor mes
Varus: sound it out
Pantheon: whats this look like
Pantheon: 8==D ~~~ (_o_)(^o^)
Varus: MY DIK
Pantheon: my ***
Wasabi26: even the ***** emoticon
Wasabi26: cute
Pantheon: get it boi get it
Varus: i like you guys
Varus: wanna come over
Pantheon: they are KUTE!
Pantheon: wanna phuck
Wasabi26: well you 2 have been ***********ing for a while now
Wasabi26: best to leave you to it
Pantheon: umm
Pantheon: you have also?
Varus: u could be here
Pantheon: but the difference is
Varus: joining us duh
Pantheon: we have hit puberty
Varus: lol
Wasabi26: im just having fun watching you 2 look stupider and stupider with each passing moment
Varus: stupider?
Varus: sweet
Pantheon: ******** you sound like a novel writer
Pantheon: you and your ******** big words boy
Pantheon: Now go getcha booty shawts on an com on outside
Varus: there so smart
Wasabi26: you having fun? i sure am
Wasabi26: wasting so much time
Pantheon: your wasting time
Pantheon: cause your betime is coming up?
Pantheon: i get it
Varus: its only a waste if you dont get off
Wasabi26: well your still here arent you?
Wasabi26: k
Pantheon: umm
Pantheon: you're*
Varus: ermehgawd
Wasabi26: cool story
Pantheon: coolstorybrotellitagain
Varus: tell it again bro
Varus: seriously tho...seriously...why tha *** did u guys suk so hard
Pantheon: suck*
Pantheon: Phuck*
Pantheon: The*
Varus: jesus christ
Pantheon: Though*
Varus: does it really take you guys that long to type...dam
Pantheon: gotta give them a minute, they just started learning what a computer was
Pantheon: i remember 8th grade
Varus: puter
Pantheon: like the underside of my balls
Pantheon: oh wiat..
Pantheon: wait*
Varus: I was drund during 8th grade i dont remember it
Varus: drunk
Pantheon: drund*
Varus: lol
Pantheon: you had it right
Pantheon: the first time
Varus: i thought i did
Pantheon: common mistake
Pantheon: no big deal
Varus: KIDS!!!!! Time to eat
Wasabi26: well?
Wasabi26: no laggy computer comment?
Wasabi26: cmon
Wasabi26: what, shy now?
Pantheon: lol
Pantheon: kid
Pantheon: stfu
Varus: lol
Varus: gtfo
(in which Varus and Pantheon Leave)

So lets go over why i find this absurd if some of you didint see what i saw:
1. They joked around about Suicide
2. They started this over something that wasn't a problem to begin with
3. They felt the need to stay and type all of this against me and the other players on my team for half an hour
4. If it wasn't obvious enough by the way they handled this situation they weren't 21 (not exactly new to me seeing as this is the internet)

Theres a clear difference on being mad about a game, and being just flat out ignorant douchebags. If you feel the need to grow your internet ego thats fine, but when you do, just think about what your actually saying so you wont look like 2 angry childish morons in the process. Not saying i was any better then them feeding them fodder and keeping them in there but i felt as though id get some interesting content out of it and i did.

On a final cliffnote i just want to say this, if you see anyone remotely like this please report them, if theres anything i love more then this game its the brighter side of the community. Thank you For reading this hate filled post, im not used to ranting about things like this but this time i felt it neccesary. if you want to add me in game my IGN is:Wasabi26 on the NA Server.