Quick NOTE: This is my Idea of a champion for LoL. If you like it please "+Rep" or comment

Champion spotlight: Quinn - The Undead Vampyre

Quinn is a melee champion that is equivalent to Akali. But She is not that op. Also if she is standing on Vlad's senguen pool she gains 25 health regen.


Passive: Her passive is called Boost of speed. This passive gives Quinn 25% Movement speed and 15% attack speed.

First ability (Q): Her first ability is called "Twin Fangs". Quinn sends out 2 fangs that damages minions or Champions. If This ability gets a kill it refreshes.

Second Ability (W): Her second ability is called "Got You!". Quinn flies to an enemy champion that stuns and deals 25 damage.

Third Ability (E): Her third ability is called "Saved". When You activate this ability Quinn heals her self for a short amount of time then she gains 25% Ability power and Attack damage.

Ultimate (R): Her ultimate is called "quick strike". This ultimate lets you dash at an enemy champion stunning them or being slowed (Depends on health, like Irelia's "E"). If you max this ability She will do TONS OF DAMAGE.

Skins: Original = undead Vampire. Skin 2 = Human. Skin 3 = Torn Dress. Legendary skin = Vayne's original skin

That's my idea on a new champion