Hello People of LoL!
Welcome to the 2013 year! Anyone watch the NA Qualifiers? So much Sona and Lulu! (This of course made me a very happy panda, since those are the most OP supports ever!) The Nunu ban in the Dirtnap Gaming v.s. Azure Gaming series amused me, finally, someone realizes how dangerous supports are!

Still climbing for level 30, and plan on having it in three weeks or so, but despite that I can't live stream AT ALL! Net issues are a little frustrating, but I'm working on it ASAP. In the meantime I'm breaking to learn Ahri, just so I can play more AP mids than just Orianna. (Who everyone says has a steep learning curve, honestly I don't see it, i'm a natural!)

Lastly, look at the Enderstar Gaming channel! Since I can't live stream for now, catch up on my action there. I plan on uploading videos on my play, and at the time of release they won't be more than a few days old.

Keep lookin toward the Stars!

P.S. Comment please, both here and on the You-tube channel, lookin to get some more attention, and feel free to invite me to games, I always could use some playin people who read the blog!