How's it going everyone?

It's patch 4.2 time yay! Nerfs to some of the more powerful champions (especially Yasuo, as an ADC main you have no idea how happy I was to see this!) and reworks to both Skarner and Xerath, which I'm excited to see in action. Although I hope they don't turn out too busted right away.

Tourney is in a week, and I really hope we can make it into the amateur LCS, would be a great experience, although I'm doubtful. Multiple last second edits to the team keep us a newer team, and we're finding it really hard to pick up a win right now in ranked 5's. On top of It all I have to miss the last two practices to go on a cruise, which normally would be fine with me if we weren't doing so poorly. I'll be back in time for qualifiers but the question becomes, can we get in? 128 teams AT LEAST have signed up for this thing, dang I'm getting nervous again just writing all this!

I'm gonna change topics so I don't totally freak myself out right now! For anyone who's wondering what happened to the YouTube channel and why there are some videos missing, and why there isn't new content, well as it turns out the channel is glitching out quite badly. I'm going to have to move the channel completely. I'm going to take a few weeks to get the whole thing amped out with awesome banners and such, and I hope to have quite the list of videos waiting for people on the new channel! unfortunately this won't change my stream situation, my personal stream will remain offline until I can get a better internet, which I'm not expecting anytime soon.

Currently Gold III and still climbing, two divisions until where I was in Season 3, then it's onward to Challenger again! Stick with me everyone!

Reach for the stars, and never let anyone stand in your way ever!

EDIT 1: Sorry guys, looks like YouTube decided to work and is displaying all videos again, somehow the safety feature got turned on which screwed me up.

EDIT 2: Thanks for all the comments guys! Helps out a lot. To answer some of the questions regarding the tourney, there's who divisions for it, one LCS is gold and under, the other plat and up. So that's why I'm nervous, but confident at the same time. Thanks again everyone, hope to hear from you soon!