Hooray, Season 4 is here!

Season 3 was pretty fun. Started in Silver 4 and climbed up to Gold 2 which ultimately led me to going 5-5 and being placed in Silver 1 for S4. I'm not mad about being bumped down to Silver, since I should be able to climb out of it if I'm truly better than that. However, it seems like Silver 1 is like the same level as old Gold 3/4 ish and it's actually kinda hard.
Before, I always thought of divisions and leagues as a set level for your skill, so I was pretty happy that I went up 6 divisions last season. However, stagnating at Silver 1 now made me realize that leagues are simply your skill relative to other players. Sadly, that means I didn't improve as much of a League player as I originally thought, and half of my division gains were due to "skill inflation". Oh well, it's not like I'm on an LCS team or anything.

Solo Q is getting to be a real pain. I planned on grinding to Gold, but the rudeness and toxicity of some of the players are really starting to make me sad. It almost feels like there are way more ragers than before and solo Q just isn't enjoyable anymore. Playing with friends is as fun as always though. Nothing's better than getting together, kicking back, and playing on one of your several ranked teams in the hopes of going 5-0 on one of them for S4 without the whole raging thing.
It also seems like the only champion I'm decent with is Ahri. Before if I didn't get mid, I would always fall back to my trusty Janna support, but now she just isn't really good anymore. I haven't played enough Leona or Zyra support to feel confident with them and as a result, I do poorly in ranked. Meh. Oh well, being good at 1 champion is still better than being good at 0 champions.

On a completely unrelated note, it's supposed to be like 30 degrees F tomorrow so they're talking about cancelling/delaying school. Texas weather, lol

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