Alrighty, I don't know what I'm supposed to write and I'm sure this won't get seen by more then a few dozen people, but I guess it won't hurt to ramble a bit.

So, yeah, I'm the maker of the current Top Rated Ahri guide on Mobafire. I made the guide when I was taking a summer course from June-July 2012 and I had no wi-fi, except for an hour of slow connection at Subway every day. I was bored out of my mind in my free time, so I decided to open the guide layout when I had internet access and I would just type away at an Ahri guide, saving whenever I had wi-fi. I originally was happy when I reached my first 1k views.

The first published version was nothing compared to how FOXFIRe AHRI HERE looks today. The coding was very minimal and not very attractive (as seen by some of the early comments :P), but I've improved on it quite alot. I'm nearing the 1 MILLION view mark and I'm super excited. I never would've dreamed that my guide would've risen so far up.

Honestly, on the way to the top, luck played a factor in it's current #1 spot. I never would've gone to the top if LaCorpse didn't archive her Ahri guide. If I recall it was the highest rated champion guide on the whole website! Sitting at a whopping 97%, and man did her guide look nice. When she archived it...I just so happened to be the next top guide. I had very recently gotten the #2 spot and I imagine that if I were rank 3 or lower, there would've been quite a different history.

Anyways, just a tad about myself. I'm a huge anime fan. I wouldn't say I've watched a tooon of animes, but it's still a decent number. I'm not going to bother posting my MAL here, but if you really wanted to see it, it shouldn't really be that hard to find. I'm also a big fan of the rhythm game, Osu! I originally saw Dyrus playing it on stream and I was intrigued by it's heavy relationship with anime. One reason I decided to play was to improve my mouse precision (it actually helps). Another reason is because it's so freakin fun! I'm ranked 38,000 in the world right now and ranked #2300 in the United States. I'm actually pretty proud of that.

My favorite streamer is LilyPichu. Omg she's so cute. Watching her play LoL, watching her play Osu, watching her draw, listening to her play piano, all of it is really entertaining. I even played with her once >//////<;; If you haven't seen her Youtube videos, they're definitely worth seeing. Anyways, if you actually managed to read this far, congrats. It's quite a lot of reading for a stranger that you don't even know. I'll probably make a second blog post when I hit 1M views, which hopefully won't take too long. And friendly remainder, every upvote and/or comment is really appreciated!

Peace ≧◠◡◠≦✌ xDanielWang