So as far as I can tell, I just created the first URF guide in the world! Wooohoooo!!! xDanielWang: Setting world records one at a time!*
*cue maniacal laughter

Anyways, I tried out the ULTRA RAPID FIRE mode that Riot released today, and it is fantastic. Never had so much fun in a League game before. Spamming Lux ults is simply too fun. Thank you Riot for making our dreams into reality <3

The guide I made for ULTRA RAPID FIRE mode is kinda troll, but I had fun making it. I gotta prove my worth of my fancy badge somehow, right? I seriously doubt that anybody is going to stop and search up an ULTRA RAPID FIRE guide instead of jumping straight into the game, but I still feel triumphant for creating something that's never been created before ^___^ wahahahahaha

So, that about wraps it up. Sorry for the all CAPS in the guide, but man, the mode makes me really excited. Until next time, peace~