After far too many shed blood, sweat and tears, I've finally completed my Aniva Mid guide! I'll still add to it in the near future, but I'm practically done editing it. Taking a read over it and providing feedback is always appreciated!

I'll start working on my Anivia Support guide asap since for some reason, it's my best performing guide in terms of votes and I'm not exactly proud of it. The same kinda goes for my Anivia Jungle guide. Man, I didn't know almost 3000 people wanted to learn/read about Anivia Jungle but here we are.

(EDIT): I would also like to take the time to question the fact that my blog post where I talked about getting a good guide score on my Anivia Support Guide is at almost 800 views and yet the post before that talking about guide reworks is at 50. The posts after that 800-view blog taper off to 250 views then back to normal. I find it somewhat strange yet funny.