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Ryze Build Guide by Sagasu

Ryze revamped, AP be damned.

Ryze revamped, AP be damned.

Updated on May 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sagasu Build Guide By Sagasu 1281 90 2,723,957 Views 834 Comments
1281 90 2,723,957 Views 834 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sagasu Ryze Build Guide By Sagasu Updated on May 25, 2011
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friss steine | October 28, 2013 3:38pm
2 old 4 me
Goul66 | April 27, 2012 10:39pm
My most favorite guide on Moba <3
MTaur (19) | December 27, 2011 9:38am
I'm going to go ahead and do an unsolicited review because I'm bored. Everyone else can do whatever they'd like. Further reasons for this choice are given in the course of the review.

Ryze Revamped, AP be damned
Date: 18th of February, 2011
Verdict: An ideal introduction to Ryze, apparently built soon after an old patch where Ryze had a big chunk of his AP ratios converted to maximum mana ratios. Ryze seems more or less untouched since then. This build more or less explains with clarity, brevity, and swagger what Ryze is and how he is built. It is a pretty vanilla build, but honestly, it's about the only way Riot lets you build Ryze, and this is clearly explained. Two high-damage combos are explained as well, one allowing him to burst like a carry, and the other allowing him to do sustained damage like a tanky DPS, thanks to his passive. All choices are justified, linked thematically from the start by the premise and title of the build itself. However, it's a pity that...
Possible Improvements:'s totally expired and still has the old masteries. With a 94% rating, it seems to me like it would be worth taking the ten minutes or so it takes to slap on 9/0/21 masteries and restore it to good-as-new shape and put it right back on track to #1. Maybe a new review will encourage this; I don't know.

+1 build, +1 rep.

(Cross-posted from )
YeahYeahMe (1) | December 7, 2011 12:14pm
plz refresh it its a pity it expired
lezgit | November 12, 2011 2:05pm
i got 6 3 1 and carried my team.. nice build
psyche | October 24, 2011 5:21pm
A must read for one who wants to play Ryze
palleh | October 21, 2011 3:35pm
Sagasu PLEASE COME BACK!!! Your guide is amazing I only changed a health pot for a mana pot and AA to a Manamune then got Will of the ancients if the game went on long enough. Please come back and keep your guide up it helped me a lot and I'm sure it will help others but as of right now it is expired and hidden now showing off fools who think that W should be ranked before Q that RoA's passive build up isn't worth it to get it early and think Deathcap is a good item on him. Please for the noobs who can learn from you come back!
Zarnim (9) | October 12, 2011 4:58pm
on that day every Veigar shed a tear
+1 dude, awesome guide
Sh4kezula (2) | October 11, 2011 2:16pm
DatUbo wrote:

Currently using this build, still up to date?

It's the best Ryze guide.
DatUbo | October 5, 2011 9:27am
Currently using this build, still up to date?
TerrorMuppet | October 4, 2011 9:27am
Am i the only one noticing that there is one item missing?
It's one of the best builds i've played with ryze, its making him less squishy ;)
Nighthawk (684) | October 4, 2011 7:49am
He doesn't upgrade it because you gain the same amount of mana from Archangels as you do Tear (50 extra mana from AA though).

Also @Marcel

9/21/0, 9/0/21, 0/21/9 and 0/9/21 are all viable on Ryze, I prefer 9/21/0 on Ryze since he already has CDR from his Q and Frozen Heart, Strength of Spirt is also good, and the Mpen is also good.

However the masteries as they are aren't all that good :c
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Ryze Guide
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Ryze revamped, AP be damned.

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