

I thought about making a wall of text for the guide at first but I'm also seeking for opinions and more mistakes that supports are making. It feels better to have a wall of text here than in the guide too :)

So basically I had bronze V account and I'm taking it towards diamond V. (Currently being around platinum). I've seen supports of all kinds and picks. I've lost lanes only because of the support and I've almost lost my mind in some games. I'm trying to list mistakes that are really bothering me. Also trying to provide a example how to fix it or what should be done instead. I have no specific order in which I'm going to list the mistakes. Let's get to it then:

Starting with Ancient coin

Ancient Coin is a really bad starting item. It doesn't provide anything for the lane. It doens't give a single good stat for the early laning phase so you're already behind in lane if you start with it. Spellthief's Edge is much superior item for ranged supports. Superior melee support start is Relic Shield. IF you want the coin because of the talisman's great active, start with a Ruby Crystal, rush early Sightstone and then get the coin. Second option is to start with other support item and sell it later for the coin.

No reasoning behind picking support

It's very common to pick a support you're not familiar with it or a support that is basically garbage against the enemy team. You want to look at your ADC's pick, enemy ADC pick and enemy support pick. Those are the most important facts. Second factor is the enemy team composition but that's a bit more extreme and I wouldn't go there. Use lolcounter or something but do avoid picking first time Blitzcrank into Morgana lane where you either miss all the hooks or get blocked by the Morgana shield. Have at least 2 supports you're comfortable with and think twice before picking. You propably don't want really aggressive support like Leona with really passive ADC.


Really common for Leona players for example. You go way too deep and your ADC can't follow so you end up giving 1 free kill away for the enemy team. Same goes for team fights. You must have knowledge of what your ADC/team is capable of doing. The best way to communicate is saying like "I go in after Vayne tumbles again" and then ping like crazy on the Vayne but do remember your ADC capability of following. If you have ADC Corki that has no mana to follow for example, you will most likely lose the trade or give a free kill. You also want to be aware of your summoners and enemy summoners. Communicate before doing anything if you're not sure what your team/ADC wants to do. Try to have about the same distance of enemies than your ADC does.

Freezing a lane with ADC in mid game

Let's say you have lost a turret in bot lane. Your ADC is too far behind to go in team fights yet and wants to freeze the lane under second tower for free farm and xp. If the enemy bot lane still pushes, stay in lane and ask for ganks but the enemy bot lane is most likely going to roam and you don't want that. Give your ADC vision and follow the enemy bot lane to defend objectives like mid lane tower. There is absolutely no reason for you to soak xp from ADC and leave your team 3vs5.

Really late wards

It's really common for supports to go without extra wards besides the totem for several recalls. Supports get upgraded support item or just leave the base with 200 gold because they need items fast. You can't leave your lane unwarded after your second recall. You must have wards troughout minutes 5:00 -> 8:00 for example. This is the point where the enemy jungler is around bot lane. Get early wards after your second recall, pink ward is adviced for objective control. Do not skip Sightstone at any cost. I see way too many supports calling it a rubbish item and rushing damage items and then getting rekt by enemy jungler. BUY EARLY WARDS AND SIGHTSTONE. Never run out of vision if possible. Getting lane ganked or surprised by the enemy jungler happens but the probability is much less if you have vision.

Not switching totem into sweeping lens

You often see the whole team or only jungler with a Sweeping Lens at 30 minutes of the game. As a support, you want to have vision control which also means denying the enemy team vision. Switch to your lens after getting Sightstone so you can have the vision advantage. Get oracles by late game or earlier if they have stealthed champions.

Lack of Dragon/Baron control

Your team goes dragon, it gets stolen and you all get killed. Avoid this by having a pink ward or at least a Sweeping Lens available to get rid of the enemy vision from the dragon. Then go give vision from the side lanes/brushes to be able to see anyone who comes towards the dragon. Then you can make a better decision if you want to continue or if you should turn and attack. You never want to do objectives blindfoldedly.

Leaving ADC alone in lane/overextending

You never want to leave your adc in 1v2 situation. You should have some sustain when going in lane and follow the ADC recall rythm. If the ADC goes back and you have nothing to do in the lane, you should also recall. Even if it means just getting hp/mana back or getting 1 potion, do it. You will get in lane at the same time as your ADC and have a fair 2v2 lane again. Your ADC will get zoned or killed at 1v2 situation.

Don't push on your own for no reason

Pushing for a fast level 2 with your adc is a must but if you're alone in the lane waiting for your ADC to come back or your ADC is roaming, don't push needlessly. You never want to steal a minion from the ADC because not only you deny the gold, but the xp too. If there is a reason to push like denying a minion wave from enemy bot lane, it's fine and you should be doing that but if you have a minion wave coming towards your turret and your ADC is coming from golems for example, don't just start randomly hitting the minions and taking them. I've cried my heart out several times when my support is alone in lane and taxes 1 minion wave for nothing.

Assist your ADC to last hit

a Minion wave is pushing towards your turret and your ADC doesn't have enough attack damage to last hit the minion, land a auto attack in between tower shots so the ADC gets the minion. It's trickier if you're Thresh but try to help. If you have a huge minion wave, don't attack the full hp ones which ADC will be able to get but attack the half hp minion so the ADC can get them in 1 auto attack.

Item builds

Enemy team is CC:ing the living hell out of your ADC and you got Randuins + Sunfire. How is that helping him to survive? You're a little bit tankier and you probably won't die but having your ADC dead is 4vs5 and you can't win that situation in most of the cases. Get Mikael's Blessing or Locket of the Iron Solari before building tanky stuff.

Holding a minion wave

So your ADC is close to coming to the tower and minions are pushing. What you should do is take the few damage and block the minions until your minion wave reaches the enemy minions or your ADC is there to farm the minions. This way you ensure the ADC won't miss any cs. It's not worth taking 33% of your hp to save ADC few minions though. So do this with reason.

Taking ignite for a passive lane

Ignite is not too bad of a summoner fro support but Exhaust is way better in 90% of the cases. Exhaust wins team fights. You can take Ignite if you can have pressure with it for the bot lane (not going to be succesful most of the times unless you play really aggressive) therefore it's much better to take Exhaust. I would highlight the summoner even more against hypercarry champions.

Taking too much poke

Usually this applies when the enemy has minion control. For example, you're Thresh and you want to use Flay passive on the enemy ADC. You succeed in doing so but you take much more poke in return by the minion wave aggression and the enemy duo. You want to synergize poke fights unless you can get free damage or win a trade against the enemy bot lane.


So you are a Leona behind the AD carry. This sentence is already wrong. Your position as a support (especially if tanky support) is not behind the ADC. Supports position should be relative to the ADC's or in front him the ADC so you can counter initiation's or start them. If you position behind your ADC, your ADC will get initiated on and it's already too late for you to try to do anything. Disengage is pretty much the only option you've got left.

Getting caught while warding

Warding is good and highly recommended but having map awarness is important when going out to the fog of war. Facecheking a brush when you have no idea of anyone's location is propably not a good idea. You want to have a safe warding route or use safe warding like you can ward over a wall by hovering the mouse little bit over the wall. It's highly recommended so you won't get caught while warding a dangerous position. Second option is to have your team with you or check a brush with abilities for example, to see if it's safe and then go ward it.

I'm out of ideas for now but I'll keep editing as I get more ideas or see more bad support action.
Thanks for the read.