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Kog'Maw Build Guide by bane898

ADC Kog'Mawchine Gun (AP build included)

ADC Kog'Mawchine Gun (AP build included)

Updated on September 4, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bane898 Build Guide By bane898 29 5 2,635,439 Views 36 Comments
29 5 2,635,439 Views 36 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bane898 Kog'Maw Build Guide By bane898 Updated on September 4, 2017
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Akikoub (8) | September 28, 2017 1:26am
you know kogmaw has been reworked after the adc patch updates his W is not giving attack speed at all but its became a passive in the Q, the W is only giving attack range plus the enemy maximum health as additional damage, guinsoo is still my second item on kogmaw and it still worth to have it.
Loyalty4L | July 3, 2017 6:06pm
Have you ever thought of warlords in a tough lane match up and posting a mastery page for going stormraiders? also is guinsoos still even worth getting first? i mean botrk gives you so much from sustain to damage itself and the fact that it is cheaper and you do not have to build up the attack speed first makes it ideal for when dealing with a tanky supp that is going aggro on you finally what are your thoughts on going runaans first? it doesn't offer much in the damage department but kogs on hit build mostly relies on his attack speed and hitting multiple targets could mean potential threat added to dive comps early and extra poke in lane
bane898 (1) | September 4, 2017 4:29am
yeah i hadn't made any changes in quite some time, just made changes to the items, runes, masteries, and champ match ups, ignore any of the paragraphs below that, its from the first rework :D
GodLord (34) | February 18, 2017 10:26pm
great guide!
bane898 (1) | April 25, 2017 12:10am
thanks man, needs updating but i try to keep the items and spells up to date at least
GodLord (34) | July 17, 2017 5:17pm
ok! :D
cr7rules4ever | December 5, 2016 6:18am
Hey man really nice guide. Really admire the effort and time put into it. I do have a question though regarding kogmaw. Do you think kogmaw jungle can still be viable? I practically got to platinum by simply playing kogmaw jungle and I absolutely loved it. I'm kind of disappointed they reverted him back to his prior state. I still think he would be decent with the attack speed jungle item and could perhaps be a late game monster again n the jungle stage.
bane898 (1) | December 5, 2016 5:29pm
Thanks for the support! From what I've seen of the changes to both kog in general as well as the changes to the jungle (smite buffs primarily), I have a hard time believing he'd be able to clear the jungle, or not get heavily pressured through counterjungling. What i have found however is that twitch jungle fills the same role. Decent clear, attack speed buff with Q, and much better ganks with the stealth and slow. (you can stay in stealth for so long, easy to not get spotted out by wards). Also has the same kind of late game impact that kog maw had. give it a shot!
Retzl | December 1, 2016 8:51am
Need to fix the guide becuz it still says that the W gives attack speed
hafexo | September 18, 2016 9:08pm
i laughted so much when i saw that playing against Draven is one of easiest matchup XDDDDD

if Draven that you are playing against is decent skilled you will be nothing until ~40 min. Give him early kill (thats is not difficult so far when playing kog..) and you will be screwed huging tower and praying for gank. Ah this NA Plat on Mobafire..

I know what im talking about, I main Draven and getting Kog on lane is free elo then :)

OFC late is yours, but writing "easy matchup cuz on late draven is nothing / wait for fights" is totally dumb.
bane898 (1) | September 21, 2016 11:08pm
Fair enough, any draven whos ever heard of tyler1 is gonna go for the lane stomp. its just that the majority of them are poor at trading (at least at my elo, around mid plat), and you can easily abuse the E to combat draven W in lane. I'd be lying if i said i never walked out of lane 0-5 to a draven tho, i'll revise my position :)
vgNightCrusader | July 31, 2016 7:36pm
I feel like if you're gonna comment on good supports for Kog, you HAVE to put Lulu in there. She can do the same as Soraka as far as preventing Zed and Talon combos with her ult, and she basically has the best synergy in the game with Kog as windspeaker's plus ardent on Lulu means that when she E's kog, she gives him a great shield to soak damage in trades and teamfights, on-hit damage from her pix, on-hit damage from censer AND as if that all wasn't enough to break kog, extra attack speed from censer. Finally, her w and q cover up Kog's huge mobility issue and allow him to navigate teamfights and trades much more easily. Just the best synergy in the game really, because it doesn't even depend on long cd ults (like Ori Malph synergy).
bane898 (1) | July 31, 2016 11:17pm
I agree completely, no champion in the game has better synergy with kog than lulu. the only problem is that shes really weak right now, like REALLY weak imo. so yes i think shes great with kog but idk if that justifies the pick in the first place, i'd wait on some buffs from riot first
Ekki (86) | July 30, 2016 10:27am
The build seems mostly good, but I have a couple of corrections to make on it:

1- In your on-hit build you say you will be dealing lots of mixed damage (which is true), yet you're putting all 5 points on Battering Blows . You should be using a 3:2 with 2 points on Piercing Thoughts , since your kill damage is mostly hybrid anyways.

2- You shouldn't max your Q second in your jungle build. The penetration scaling is **** (only +2% scaling per point) and the slow scaling on E would be way more useful as a jungler. It might be there because of the attack speed it used to give.

3- Last Whisper's upgrades aren't really worth considering. You're better off buying AP or aiming your Q better if the enemy is too heavy on armor. I know you said they aren't optimal, but if there isn't any situation where they are the best buy it's better to not even show the item in the build.

Then you have a bunch of hard to read walls of text. Complaining about that would be hypocritical on my side, so I'll just leave it as a remark :P
bane898 (1) | July 31, 2016 10:40pm
1- Wow cant believe I didnt think of that one! kog does about 50% AD vs 40% AP with the adc build so 3-2 would be ideal.
2- Yeah i forgot to change it awhile back, this was post Q buffs and it felt pretty good then but theres hardly any tanks in soloQ these days.
3- I get what you mean about last whisper, but theres some compositions you might need it into, if theyre running a rammus, shen, malph, sion, etc (or more accuratly there running 2 or more of these champs, since just 1 wouldnt be enough to justify it) thats when you have to consider it.
and i wish i could improve the look of my guide but this is my first and only, so i'd need to do a lot of research into how to work it

thanks for all the insight! I'll be sure to make the changes soon
Ekki (86) | August 1, 2016 6:58am
It's actually a good guide. Or at least a good all around build. I just made the nitpicky remarks because it's the first kog guide in mobafire.

1- the 3:2 proportion is what I found from my games and what I've seen other people running. I don't like Wit's End though (I'd rather have more survivability) but I doubt it would change it to 2:3.
2- still, the +2% scaling is just too tiny, and it doesn't even scale down on cooldown. I'd only max it second on the ap build because of the damage.
3- fair enough.

Hope you keep this updated!
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ItsThatDude (2) | July 30, 2016 9:50am
What is a pure damage build for him? Sometimes when I am get super fed, I like to go pure damage and have others go tanky and protect me
bane898 (1) | July 31, 2016 10:30pm
Pure dmg right now would be wits end, hurricane, rageblade, blade of the ruined king, and maybe an IE final? gets you to 50% crit, synergizes well with hurricane, and helps a bit in the late game when on hit damage isnt quite as impactful. Or if you consider bloodthirster to be offense (ive always considered it a defensive item myself) thats a route you can take.
Superfrog65689 | August 30, 2016 9:16am
How about Hextech Gunblade? It offers up 80AP, and 40AD, plus you can heal off of your on-hit damage. Or would this not be a good item in a more damage-focused build?
hopop201 | June 2, 2016 9:51pm
So i see you switched the sated build to AP build, but everything you wrote on the bottom is still for sated. Shouldn't you change that? Also jng kog is now lots more fun now with the item changes, so i think you should have a mini guide on jng as kog
bane898 (1) | June 15, 2016 11:59am
Yeah i totally forgot about that! Thanks for reminding me. And i haven't looked at jg kog since the W nerf way back when, but i'll have to see how bloodrazor works in...could be a lot of fun. I'll update that after i've played a few
bane898 (1) | May 18, 2016 2:27am
Sioncup wrote:

Here is how you could improve your guide:

Thanks, i really am new to the guidemaking, this is literally my one and only guide! I'll see if i can add any of these changes over the next few weeks!
Alenthas | May 7, 2016 12:46pm
just lost a 100K damage game with this build. our team was 4 man half the game with people going AFK at times.
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Kog'Mawchine Gun (AP build included)

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