Soup. A blog about jungler's thought process that goes out to laners too as understanding how a jungler thinks helps you out in lane.

I will use this game as a reference.

Going into the game, both junglers are probably thinking the same thing: top lane is a big factor for the game. Top laners should expect first gank or at least the possibility of a gank happening to top lane. Fastest ganks happen around 3:15 and later ones around 3:45 (knowing where the jungler started helps a lot when predicting first gank). So you can expect a gank to happen to top lane so go and ward for the gank.

On a side note here, you can also expect a jungler to gank your lane if your about to lose the first tower of the game because the gold amount is huge.

As a jungler you want to gank for the lane that will snowball the game and carry the game. The lane you want to gank also depends on the game flow and on the champions/comp you have on your team. Initially when the game started, I wanted to gank top lane first because a snowballing Irelia is not fun to deal with. Elise beat me to it however and killed the Rumble and punished him for not having vision.

Having spent flash on that important lane and on a champion that has no escape, you should expect a second gank coming. Rumble teleported back to top lane and Elise went to top lane to kill him again. This is the important part;

If you die in soloQ in 1v1, you are dead to me unless you are a hyper carry that can turn the lane in near future. I might gank your lane if you show a sign of recovering but the moment you go 0-2, you're dead to me for the rest of the game. Spam pinging help won't make me come to your lane because I can only see 2 lanes left. Kinda off-topic on the current subject but spamming help ping at 2 minutes is also really annoying. As a jungler I can see you need help but if your not relevant for the victory, I won't come no matter how many times you ping.

Let me explain the reasoning why you're dead to me if you get 1v1'd once or twice. Let's say you are 0-1 or 0-2. Even if I forcefully feed you a kill on a golden spoon, you will still only be 1-1 or 1-2 which is the exact same or worse situation you got 1v1'd the last time. I'm expecting you to still lose your lane. This is not 100% guaranteed, some players do make a tiny mistake and die in 1v1 but recover later on in their own but I can't know that. The assumption is that you will continue to lose your lane.

Instead of focusing a lane that would need several ganks to recover, I will turn my focus to lanes that will carry the game. In the game above, Rumble got ganked to 0-1 and I could still have ganked for him but the moment he died for the second time, top lane was not a relevant lane to win the game anymore. Top lane didn't exist anymore. Of course I would from time to time pressure top lane so the enemy Irelia couldn't do whatever she wanted but I didn't focus top lane.

Instead of ganking top lane, I heard the magical words "no flash" coming from 1-0 Orianna that's beating Lissandra in mid lane. Lissandra players tend to rely on E too much and push the waves so I just ganked mid and interrupted her E and killed the mid laner. At this point I knew Orianna would win her lane and I could place my focus to bot lane that just traded with bot lane so there were no summoners. I think I killed top lane first because Irelia was out of position and then I just went bot lane and ganked that lane until bot lane's summoners were back up.

Like it didn't matter that Elise + Irelia controlled my top side jungle and top lane. I didn't need to forcefully facecheck my top side of jungle or attempt to 2v2 in top lane. I merely focused the remaining 2 lanes and bot side jungle where I knew I had strong laners to back me up. Irelia ended up being a non factor because Elise focused on killing the Rumble 10 times so I could get mid and bot rolling. The fact that Irelia was 7-3 and Rumble 3-10 didn't matter for my team. We had Janna with exhaust who could deal with irelia and Rumble still has his ultimate even if he is behind.

This is just an example of 1 game. Every game is different and you need to preferably use some kind of reasoning behind every gank. For laners, if you go 0-2 in 1v1, don't flame the jungler for not ganking and focus on trying to not go 0-3. If you don't buy wards or help your jungler to gank your lane by buying a pink ward, don't complain and start flaming your jungler for going 0-5 because you are getting camped. Help your jungler to help you basically. Think your own gameplay critically if you go 0-5. Don't flame the jungler for not ganking, think what you could have done better and hope the jungler is doing something in other 2 lanes and accept the carry if your other lanes are doing fine.