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Rengar OTP help

Creator: LUFFY909 March 9, 2020 4:11pm
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Jun 17th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2020 4:11pm | Report

I'm a Rengar OTP player and stuck in Gold II, I face some problems as a Rengar player in Ranked games so I think the best place find the help is you guys,

My problems

when the game gets late even I'm feed there's a problem that the Squishes Champions that I used to ONE SHOT them early always buys a Zhonya in the late game "even if they are ADCs" so I can't even think about to ult and jump on them and do the Combo because I will be an easy target for them to kill me because I lost my skills in the time they do the Zhonya and because it's late they always be Grouped so I can't like jump on them and wait till the Zhonya gets off and kill them because the other enemy teammate will be with him so I feel like I'm useless in late game is there any solution for my problem in this situation.

And finally, thank you very much for helping me.

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