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Xin Zhao Build Guide by HIACliff

Xin: Asian Devastation!

Xin: Asian Devastation!

Updated on January 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HIACliff Build Guide By HIACliff 1328 189 5,096,987 Views 822 Comments
1328 189 5,096,987 Views 822 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HIACliff Xin Zhao Build Guide By HIACliff Updated on January 6, 2012
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Shadowpieman | June 5, 2013 6:17pm
You havent updated this in a while.... any plan to?
Sytrus | May 9, 2013 3:35pm
just tryed this out. When i had all the items, man..i rulled
Great build!!
Leonite (1) | July 26, 2012 3:11am


yh but it was easier to build more damage and less tank before the rework. <== thats just my opinion
Embracing (353) | July 25, 2012 4:00am
Leonite (1) | July 25, 2012 3:50am

it still works and omg no xin is not a off tank this is hands down the best build for him as you pretty much can destroy anyone even tanks..................... so no

ok we get the point. can you stop going round all the offtank builds and downvoting them cos you think this one is better. i personally think that this build isnt great because: 1) xin shouldent be the AD carry of a team (ranged carries are far better). 2) there isnt any defence so like Gasparde said in his build - any hard cc and youre dead (well, very likely). like i said, i dont like this build, i can see it would work, but its not great. but im not downvoting it cos it WORKS. like offtank. :)

EDIT: also offtank works better with the rework imo
xX O B C D Xx | June 20, 2012 7:56am
it still works and omg no xin is not a off tank this is hands down the best build for him as you pretty much can destroy anyone even tanks..................... so no
XBGxDarkmaster (1) | June 10, 2012 4:48am
I did my first PENTAKILL with this build !
good job you did there!
JimmyFriki | June 8, 2012 5:45am
BEST. XIN ZHAO. BUILD. EVER. It might be expired and all, but I still use it. And believe me, even though the new atualizations nerfed Xin a lot, he still STOMPS everybody. Many people prefer Jungling builds, but in my opinion, Asian Devastation is, BY FAR, the best. I've pwned MANY people with this build. Major issue: you need a hell of a lot of farming early game or you're not going to do anything. Thank you, HiaCliff. Thank you.
soppskolen | June 3, 2012 9:14am
This build is awsome i own every game with it!
bluediablo31 (5) | May 15, 2012 4:24pm
Nice build!

Also, I agree with sangtech that a little more tank could be good, but at the same time, if you are fed, you don't need tanky stuff, cuz you'll be doing more damage than they can count at once.

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Jax: the Grandmaster of Farm

Once again, good job
sangtech | May 12, 2012 12:42am
WTF! I like your build for bots game, but still mine is better for bots game and more fun. Your build is so bad, especially when you are not fed. In 5's your build is ****ty, even your runes. I would go a little tanky which still do a lot of damage and tanky.
MrPBoY | May 3, 2012 7:12am
Awesome build i have done so good with Xin Zhao.

Pic of my match history:
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